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(Time: day after the party)
I was having breakfast when Levi came downstairs. He still looked pissed of from yesterday's events.

"Goodmorning Levi" his mother greeted happily.

"Yeah morning" he replied sitting down next to me.

"So did you both enjoy the party?" She asked curiously.

"'Tch'. Just great" Levi stated sarcastically.

"What's wrong?" Maria questioned him worriedly, looking at us both.

"That fucking bastard of corse!" Levi snapped.

"Excuse me Levi do not use that language. And who?" Maria said cluelessly and angrily.

"who do you think?" He blurted out.

"What...Erwin?" She asked taking a seat.


"But he did nothing wrong"

"How do you know you was having 'fun'"

"Well, What did he do?"

Levi froze and clenched his fist "nothing that conserns you!" He yelled.

"Well it does because he's my son"

"How can you say that when he nearly killed you" Levi stormed out the room.

Maria looked at me in disbelief, "that child, I understand why you don't get along with him" she laughed.

I frowned at her and shook my head. Then I ran after him.

He had walked out the door but I managed to catch up with him.

"Levi, where you going?" I said following him.

"Anywhere but home" he smiled slightly at me.

"Alright, well I'm coming" I smiled back at him.

He grabbed my hand and we went on a walk.

"Hey, you know when we stopped talking" Levi randomly brings up.

"y-yeah what about it" I looked down.

"Well I. I never did mean to stop talking to you" he looked at me and smiled slightly.

"Me to, I'm sorry" I looked into his beautiful silver eyes.

"It was mainly because, I liked you so it was alkward."

"It know what you mean" I laughed "but I'm glad in ended the way it did!"

"Yeah, except for the whole parent thing" he laughed.

I kissed him on the cheek "I know, but I don't care about any of that"

We were still walking when we saw Mikasa and Eren.

"Look who it is" Levi smirked slightly.

We walked over to them, "you guys having fun?" I said patting them both on the back.

We scared them both "f/n, What are you doing here?" Eren asked.

"I'm with Levi" I pointed behind them.

Eren turned around instantly and jumped to his feet. "L-levi"

"Oi brat, what's up with you" Levi raised an eyebrow.

Eren got onto his knees "please don't hurt me, I-"

"shut up, brat. Just get up moron" Levi said angrily.

Me and Mikasa laughed "so why you here" she asked me.

"Just on a walk, you?" I smirked.

"Y-yeah same" she blushed slightly.

"So are you guys a thing or what?" Levi coldly stated.

"What, n-no Levi sir" Eren said still backing away.

Levi slid his hand across his face "oh my fuck!"

I laughed again and looked at them both, there were as red as tomatoes.

"Eren, Mikasa" I smirked "Do you like each other"

Some how they got even more red and didn't answer.

"Brat she asked you a damn question answer it" Levi said pushing Eren towards Mikasa.

"Well...maybe sir" Eren said embarrassed.

Levi smirked I knew he was up to something "Eren Yeager!" He said sternly.

Eren faced him and saluted. "Sir?!"

Levi rolled his eyes "This is an order. Ask Mikasa out on a date now!" He gave Eren a death stair.

"Y-yes s-sir" Eren turned to Mikasa, who was standing dumbfounded "Would you...would you l-like t-to be my g-" Eren looked back at Levi who stared coldly at him. "Would you please be my girlfriend?!" He yelled.

Mikasa looked at me then Levi and then Eren "yes" she managed to say quietly.

Eren hugged her and she hugged him.

Me and Levi snuck away quickly.
"Hey Levi, f/n!" Mikasa shouted happily.

We looked back to see her smiling like a crazy Hanji. "Thanks!"

We walked of "my work is done" Levi laughed.

"I knew you were up to something" I smiled.

"Well did you know I was going to do this" he smirked and pushed me into an ally pinning me to the wall.

" i-i didn't achally" I laughed.
He kissed me gently on the lips and pulled me closer...

After we leaned against the wall and spoke until it was getting dark.

After we leaned against the wall and spoke until it was getting dark

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Levi x reader (Step-brothers Love)Where stories live. Discover now