Chapter 24: New Things

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(First time using 2nd Person POV here and events might be a little...too fast)

(Also I have a request at the end of this chapter, please read it and I need you guys to comment. Thanks in advance..)

(2nd Person POV)


You took a deep breath as Tenma looked at you. You stood your ground as you waited for the general to spill the beans and you didn't care even if he spat it right on your face.

"The Second Stage Children want you," the general continued and as the words came out this added to more confusion.

"Want me? Why would they want me?"

"They want you to become one of them."

You involuntarily coughed. It took a moment before you could clear your throat and ask more to the general.

"I still don't understand," you said. "Why would they want me to become one of them?"

"As everyone else knows you are the best archer in all of the kingdoms. They know that your skills could become a hindrance to getting what they want. Thus they had thought that if they can't stop you, then you will just have to become one of them."

"It doesn't make any sense!" You blurted out. "I mean... They are the Second Stage Children. Aren't their powers enough already to get what they want?"

"They are strong (Y/N). But we also know that they can look into the future. Some time after the war against Fifth Sector, it has been told that the Second Stage Children had tried looking into the future..."

"...and?" You prompted as you are now all ears to what Tenma is saying.

"Their visions foretold that you will be the one who could defeat the most powerful of them."

You looked at Tenma wide-eyed. "Th-that's impossible... How can someone like me defeat the most powerful of them?"

"I had never doubted your skills and strength, (Y/N). You are the strongest woman I had ever known."

"And we travelled all the way to Gokuri for this?"

"Yes, (Y/N). You don't want to become one of them, right?"

"I..." You muttered under your breath as you don't know how to respond anymore after hearing everything. You started to look away from Tenma and this made him hold both your shoulders.

"Please tell me you will not let them turn you into someone like them!"

You looked at Tenma in his eyes and they shook with fear and worry. But then you removed his hands from your shoulders and started turning around.

"I have to go..." You said, voice trailing off. Then you looked back to King Endou. "My apologies, your Majesty."

"(Y/N), wait!" Tenma called out but you already made your way to your room.

"Let her be, general," King Endou said. "She's still confused. I'm pretty sure she doesn't want to become like the Second Stage Children."

Tenma sighed and looked down.

(Early Time Skipadoo)

Ever since you found out who really threatened you, you had stayed in your sleeping quarters most of the time and just coming out for meals or taking a bath.

You had also occasionally looked out the window and had noticed Tenma and the other men build something like posts with silver. Men gathering a lot of golden flowers had not been away from your sight either.

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