Chapter 9: New Faces

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(Y/N's POV)

"Tsurugi!" I yelled as I saw him jump off the cliff and threw his sword at me. I instantly caught it and hit it in Hakuryuu's wound. His grip loosened and I immediately got free from his hold, his sword missing inches from my neck.

I saw Hakuryuu charge at me and I defended myself with Tsurugi's sword.

"You think you can win this fight?!" he taunted me as the swords clashed. "How long do you think you're going to last against me? Longer than Tsurugi did?!"

I roared and charged at him and he easily blocked my attack. I pushed him away and started darting for him again. I saw a gap on his right side and aimed for it, successfully, slashing his right shoulder.

"Hmm, not bad, Queen Gouenji," he smirked and wiped the blood that dropped off his shoulder.

He was about to charge at me but then an arrow shot from somewhere and hit him on his left shoulder.

"What the---?" he said in surprise, turning around. Another arrow swished and he easily avoided it. He then ran towards the forest. "We're not yet done, Gouenji (Y/N)!" his voice trailed off in the forest.

I looked around to see who had shot the arrow. Just then a brunette appeared out of nowhere. It was my best friend.

"Tenma!" I yelled as I ran towards him. The others followed him shortly behind.

"(Y/N)! Are you hurt?" Tenma worriedly asked as he got near me.

"No..." I said.

"W-where's Tsurugi?"

Tsurugi? Tsurugi! I quickly ran towards the cliff and looked down on the edge, leaving Tenma behind.

"(Y/N)! What are you doing?" Tenma ran after me.

"Tsurugi!" I called from the cliff. There was no response. I only felt a cold breeze brush across my face. I looked down and the river below glimmered.

I sadly showed him Tsurugi's sword. "He...he...he the cliff," I felt choked. My eyes started to water.

"What?! Why?"

"Because Hakuryuu forced him... He jumped to save my life..." I looked down to avoid Tenma from seeing the tears fall from my eyes.

"No... Hakuryuu... He has betrayed us." Tenma's voice trailed off. The others ran towards the cliff and looked down.



I saw an orange-haired guy carry some rope and anchored it to a tree on the edge of the cliff.

"Taiyou!" Tenma yelled at the orange-haired guy.

"Stay here. I'll check if I could see him down here."

The guy whom Tenma called Taiyou tied the rope on his waist and slowly made his way down the cliff. I fell on the ground and my head peeped out the edge of the cliff as I watched Taiyou go down.

"Do you see him?"

"No. I need to go down further," he responded. Taiyou almost disappeared from our sight. Then I sat back up and put my hands behind my head. Why did this have to happen? And Hakuryuu? Why did he do that? He was one of father's best men in the army. Who told him to do it?

We waited for Taiyou to get back up, hoping he'd find Tsurugi, and hoping that Tsurugi is okay. After about thirty minutes, Taiyou called to pull him up. I was immediately on my feet and helped Tenma pull the rope.

As soon as Taiyou was back, I looked all over him, hoping to find Tsurugi with him.

"Did you find him?" I anxiously asked Taiyou.

"I'm sorry, Queen Gouenji. But all I found is his cape," he showed me a dirty red and purple cape which I recognized it belonged to Tsurugi.

"No..." I whispered.

"But he's alive," Taiyou reassured us.

"Alive?" I asked, hope growing inside me.

"I reached the bottom and there was a stream. I found this cape only and there was no trace of blood or anything else. Even his body is missing. So the possibility that he survived the jump off the cliff is for sure."

Oh, how I hope what Taiyou's saying is true! I may not like Tsurugi for his attitude at times but I don't want anyone close to me or to my father to be harmed.

"What do we do now?" Masaki asked.

"(Y/N)..." Tenma looked at me. "Your call."

I took a deep breath before answering. "We're not leaving until we find Tsurugi. If he is alive, then he's not far from here. We'll do another search at the bottom."

Everyone showed me a look of agreement.

"Your Majesty," Taiyou approached me. "I'd like to offer you a place to stay. I will also offer to further help you find Tsurugi."

"Arigatou, Taiyou-kun," I said.

(Tsurugi's POV) – yiz! He's alive, people!~

Queen... Gouenji... I will... Never... Break... my vow... to Protect you... Hakuryuu... Let... Her... Go...

"Where'd you find him?" I heard an unfamiliar voice as I begin to slowly regain consciousness.

"By the stream, your Eminence. He looks so familiar so we took him here," another voice said.

"Indeed. He resembles my father."

What on earth is going on? I tried my best to fight my weakening body and wake up. After a moment, I slowly opened my eyes. No trees can be seen. I'm in some kind of room and surrounded by unfamiliar faces.

"He's awake..." one of them said and slowly left. I tried to get up and saw just one face left. A short woman with long purple hair and glimmering aqua eyes.

"What is your name?" the woman asked me.

"I-I'm Tsurugi. Tsurugi Kyousuke. W-who are you?" I asked her, my vision still blurry.

She smiled at me before answering, "I'm Lalaya Obies. Queen under Dreadwood."


Gin: Things are about to get interesting!

Tsurugi: What?

Demi: And worse!

Tsurugi: Please don't tell me you're going to do it in the next chapter... 0_0

Gin: You can't stop me! Besides, it already happened in IEGO Galaxy, didn't it?

Tsurugi: Oh---

Gin: *angry glare*

Tsurugi: ---no...

Demi: Will you say yes this time?

Tsurugi: Uhm...

Gin: Tell us in the next chapter. Thanks for your continued support on this, Min'na-san~!

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