Chapter 7: The Eight-Legged Threat

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(3rd Person POV)

Morning came and the company has resumed to returning to their journey. They don't have the carriage now so the girls will have to be on the horses.

As soon as everyone was ready, Tenma gave out the orders.

"Akane-san, you'll be taking the ride with Shindou-san. Your packs – the tents, and some blankets," Tenma motioned and handed Akane the packs which she and Shindou fastened tightly on the back of the horse.

"Midori-san, kindly stay with Kirino. You'll be carrying the pot and the utensils."

Kariya let out a small laugh. "Why do I find this so amusing?"

"What's amusing?" Tenma asked, confused.

"You're saying 'kindly' to Midori-san."

"I see no problem with that."

"You don't get it..."

"Anyway, Kariya, you'll be taking all the food and water supplies."

"What?! But they're heavy."

"Don't worry. I'm sure you'll find it amusing."

Kariya sighed and packed the food and water supplies at the back of his horse.

"(Y/N), you'll be riding with Tsurugi. Just carry your important stuff. That leaves me and Aoi on the same horse and we'll be taking most of the clothing."

(Y/N) got on the horse with Tsurugi and they continued their journey to king Endou's country.

"You might want to hold on tight, your Majesty," Tsurugi told (Y/N).

"You know I'm not a kid that you have to remind what to do from time tooo---" (Y/N) suddenly yelped and involuntarily leaned forward and held on Tsurugi's waist for the horse sped up.

"Hey! You did that on purpose!" (Y/N) growled.

"Did not and I told you to hold on tight."

(Y/N) groaned. What's his problem?! (Y/N) thought. She was trying her best to hide her reddening face as she held onto Tsurugi's armor.

(Big time skip here)

For two days, they haven't encountered any problems with the environment or any threats. On the fourth day of their journey, they have come to Dreadwood, a dark and thick forest that is rumored to have strange creatures dwelling within.

They stopped at the foot of the forest and Tenma looked back at the company following behind him.

"I've got good news and bad news," Tenma said. "Which one would you like to hear first?"

"Uhm, both?" Kariya answered and Tenma sighed.

"Okay, the good news is, we're halfway to King Endou's country. Here's Dreadwood, the one that separates Hageshi to the outskirts. If we don't get lost in the forest and easily find the way through, we'll make it to king Endou in a week."

"And the bad news?" Aoi asked him.

"The bad news is... Dreadwood is dangerous. This is by far the most dangerous landmark we'll ever get through. Many say that in this forest, many strange creatures are lurking within."

"Strange creatures?" Shindou asked.

"Yeah, but they're just rumors so no worry about it that much," Tenma then smiled brightly at everyone.

"Well, that's very reassuring," Midori commented.

"Let's move."

(Y/N's POV)

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