A Week Later

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Bella's P.O.V

I raise my hands in the air in a quiet cheer when Ella finally falls asleep. Carefully, and all so quietly, I back away from her bassinet and lay down on the bed. I let out a huge sigh, ready to fall asleep at least thirty minutes. I've read in a book that it's good to sleep whenever she sleeps and trust me, I make the most out of my sleep.

Miss Ella has a picky taste when it comes to being put to bed. During the day, she's okay with me putting her down for her naps. ONLY and if only I sing to her You Are My Sunshine. Seriously, Edward couldn't have sung her a different song during my entire pregnancy? Anyway, it's the only song she'll fall asleep to and during the night, Edward is the one who has to put her to sleep. She's already a Daddy's Girl. Edward goes out in the mornings just to get a few things settled at the office for a couple of hours and then comes back to help me with Ella.

To think back in time, today, just a year ago I was planning with Rosalie Alice's bachelorette party in Vegas. If someone had told me, if someone had told me that during that time in the following three months when we finally went to Vegas, that I would have ended up sleeping with my best friend, I would have laughed. And to follow that up that I would find out a month later that I was pregnant, I would have died of hysterical laughter.

If someone had told me during that time when I was planning my best friend's bachelorette party that in a year, I'd be putting my baby - Edward's baby - to sleep to You Are My Sunshine, I would have bet my entire life against it.

* * *

I wake up when complete silence blasted through the room. I bolt on the bed, completely confused. The room is dark, window drapes down and I'm under the covers. I bolt out of bed and look in Ella's bassinet. She's not there.


I walk out of the room, looking into her nursery when I catch a glimpse of Edward on the couch. I sigh in relief when I see Ella sleeping against his bare chest. She's so tiny compared to his big chest. I take my phone from the counter where it was charging, ignoring all the messages from my brother, Alice and my mother. I take several pictures of them sleeping. Edward is all stretched out on the couch, one hand behind his head and the other supports Ella's little bum. Ella is curled up on his chest, her little thumb on inching closer to her mouth.

I make a mental note to print these pictures and then place my phone down. The TV is on some motorcycle program, but the volume is on very low. I take a seat on the couch, very carefully and change the channel to Friends. It's the episode where Ross says the wrong name at the altar and Chandler and Monica are trying to find a place to fool around. I really ship Chandler and Monica, I feel like their love is more sincere and true than Ross and Rachel's ever were. Edward sleeps for about two more episodes of Friends before Ella starts fussing up.

He looks down at her, his lips pouting and eyes squinting as he taps on her back softly and kisses the top of her brown hair. But it's not Daddy's kisses she wants. She wants food. Once Edward's eyes open a little more, he notices me right beside his feet at the other side of the couch and gives me a sleepy smile.

"She's hungry," he says hoarsely.

I sit up and open my arms. "Hand her to me."

Edward slowly sits up, both his hands supporting our child. Ella is so small, she fits right in Edward's hands. He says she gets it from me since I'm also a very small person. It's only fifty-fifty that she'll either be as short as me or as tall as her father. Edward places her in my arms and makes sure I had a hold of her before letting go.

"You have a good sleep?" He asked me and sat down beside me. "When I came home you were knocked out cold on the bed."

"I was exhausted," I say.

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