Part Zero.

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Hi. My name is Hann Sora. I have a twin brother named Hann Jae Hoon. My mother's dead. My dad's an ass. And I'm going to be going to an all boys school this spring.

No. I'm not a guy if that's what you were wondering. I'm a girl. A full fledged 36 B, 5'5, all round girl.

I will be taking the identity of my brother, and moving into their dormitory soon.

Let's hope I don't get caught.


HELLO. This is the author! My name is Jasmine, I'm a senior in high school, and I'm also the slowest updater ever!

I am trying my best to update as frequently as possible now, so have no fear and hope I don't give up too soon!

Just a fair warning~
The first few chapters will be a bit boring, and my writing skills pretty tacky, but it'll get better later on, I swear!!

Anyways, this will be a "reader" x Hoseok fanfic, with all the other members included in this as well! Expect a lot of drama and love triangles. I'll try this make this as action packed as possible! Which is why I need to build it up first.

Also maybe, maybe not be smut somewhERE in here, who knows.

Lets Be Boys |j.hoseokTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon