II. Orientation!

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When I entered the school, I saw students EVERY WHERE. It was crazy.  The interior was gorgeous and bright, there held a large chandelier in the core of the room that showered rainbows all over the ceiling from the sun light.

"Excuse me, are you a freshman?"

An older looking student came up to me, he was extremely tall, and had fluffy blonde hair. He was extremely good looking.

"Ah- No. I'm a new student, but I'm a junior." I replied, with a slightly deepened voice. I had practiced for months with my brother to be able to do it comfortably and naturally. I  guess you could say that I perfected it.

"Oh a new student! Okay, follow me then." He said, escorting me to another room, "I'm a senior. The names Namjoon."

"My name is So- Jae Hoon."

"So Jae Hoon?"

"Eh? No! No. Jae Hoon. Just Jae Hoon." I chuckled awkwardly, already messing up right when I get here.

"Ah, Jae Hoon, that's a nice name." He smiled at me.

I smiled back, "Thank you."

Finally we arrived to another large room, and It seemed to now be filled with people my age. "This is the orientation room for juniors. If you ever get lost or need to ask questions look for the seniors. They wear these blue pins on the collar." He said, pointing the one on his shirt. It was a small blue skittle sized pin, with a bullet shaped silver in the center.

Gratefully, I smile, "Thank you, Namjoon!"

"No problem! Then I'll get going."

And just like that, he was gone. I began to walk to the crowd of students when suddenly someone bumped into me.

"Ah! Sorry!" The boy said,

"It's fine." I looked at him and wow he was gorgeous. I don't think I've ever seen someone so stunning before. He could be a gucci model.

He smiled shyly and brought out his hand, "My name in Kim Taehyung. Yours? Oh- or maybe you dont want to share, I'm sorry, I just haven't been able to make friends with anyone yet.. So I-"

"No! No! I want to be friends!" I slam my hand in his and shake it, Shiittt his hands are huge and confusingly sexy, " My name is Hann Jae Hoon! Nice to meet you."

He smiled at me, and boy did I want to faint right there. Why did I have to be a guy right now.

"Nice to meet you Jae Hoon!"

"Nice to meet you too, Taehyung."


After talking a bit, we joined some seniors giving a tour of the school and telling us about the classes and how the school schedule worked. It was a lot to take in, but I managed. Lastly we were brought to the dorms and given our room number.

"What room did you get?" I asked Taehyung,

"Room 604." He replied, "You?"

I frown, "Room 408..."

We both sighed, we finally made a friend but were instantly separated, and were even in different dorm wings too. "Well.. I Hope we at least have some classes together? We can eat lunch and meet up too!"

"Good idea!" He gave me his cute rectangle smile, "Okay, I'll see you tomorrow then?"

I nod my head and begin to head to my dorm room.


Room 405... 406.. 407...... 408! I found it. Good job Sora, you did one thing right for once. I bring out my key card and open the door. I hope my roommate isn't a weirdo or a perv... that wouldn't be good for me.

Fortunately for me, no one was here yet so I got to pick which bed I wanted, of course I chose the one next to the window, I liked looking at the sky at night. The room was fairly big, there were two beds, two desks, two small dressers, and one bathroom. I quickly began to hide my sanitary pads under my bed in a box, and my chest binders in the dresser under a pile of folded briefs that I would hope no one would look through. While I was unpacking, I hear the door beep, the noise it makes when a keycard has been used successfully.

My heart began to race, I don't know if it was from excitement or from fear.

I turned around to see a tall male, he had a long face and a smooth nose bridge that I would not mind slip and sliding on if I could. His hair was fluffy just like a cloud, and practically looked like a soft peach because of it's color.

After he entered, he looked at me. He's gorgeous. Why is every one in this school so attractive???

"H-Hi." I sputter out, unable to comprehend this beauty infront of me.

"Hello." He responded back. His smile was blinding, and I could definitely look at it for the rest of my life. He walked over to the empty bed and set down his things. Afterwards, he turned towards me, who was still looking at him like the weirdo I am. But he didn't judge me and instead came over to me, "My names Hoseok, what about yours? We're going to be roommates for a while so I hope we will get along well!"

"My name is Jae Hoon. Nice to meet you Hoseok! And I Hope we get along too!"


My high school life in a Boys School begins now!

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