VII. Exposed

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The second the door closed, I pushed Jungkook off of me, and onto the floor.

"Get the fuck out." I say, not a hitch in my voice.

He looks away, getting up and leaving, not saying a word.

I sit there, my breathing steady for a second, but quickly disappears. I wheeze slightly, trying to catch my breath. I throw my face into my pillow and scream, feeling the fabric beneath my eyes soak up the tears, and all the emotions that not even I can decipher.

I never wanted this to happen. I just want to live the rest of my highschool life away from the abuse of the outside world, and with the new people I can call my friends... and Hoseok.

But now I don't think that can happen. Someone's already found out about my secret, and Hoseok... he saw that someone on top of me. He's going to misunderstand. I don't want that. I don't.

Once I've calmed down a second, I get up and go to the bathroom.

I look hideous. My face is all red and puffy, with dried tears trailing in all directions.


*Knock Knock*

I roll out of bed and look at my phone, its 8:43 PM. That nap was a lot longer than I thought.

*Knock Knock Knock Knock Kn-*


I go to the door and open it, it's Taehyung.

"Hey hey hey! How you feeling, Jae?"

I let out a tired sigh and smile, feeling happy to see him. His bubbly personality is incredibly infective.

"I'm feeling fi-"

The feeling in my stomach flipped and I suddenly felt very sick.

"Fine?" Jungkook said from behind Taehyung, he carried the smile he always had before he saw me in the locker room.

I look down, my eyebrows scrunching together, "Y-yea... fine."

"That's great! Can we come in then?" Taehyung lifts up a bag of snacks, "I got some stuff for you to get your energy back!"

I smile at him,

As long as he's here.. Jungkook can't do anything right? And won't say anything?

"Yea, of course come in!"


We all gather on the ground and sit in a circle, Tae throws all the snacks out of the bag and in the center.

"Sorry, I don't really know what you like Jae, so I just got my favorites.."

I wasn't very picky about snacks, "That's fine, which one do you recommend?"

He picks up a bag of banana kicks, "Thi-"

"That's my favorite!" Jungkook snatches it out of his hands and opens it smiling, "Thanks, Tae."

Taehyung doesn't think much of it and just looks happy that he managed to get someone's favorite, so he shows his box smile and giggles. "Okay, than these."

He hands me a small box of what appears to be wafer cones filled with chocolate.

I gladly take it and thank him.

"What should we do then?" I asked, opening the box.

Tae picks up some cookies, "Hmm... movie? Jungkook really likes watching movies back at our room."

I look at Jungkook, who is smiling at Taehyung... who seems to have been smiling at him this whole time.

"A-ah.. Mm, okay. What movie do you want to watch then, Jungkook."

He doesn't look away from Tae and just shrugs, "Whatever Tae wants to watch, I guess."

Tae gets up and goes to the tv, switching it on and flips through the channels, "Hmmm..."

This last for about 10 minutes until he finally is satisfied with "Train to Busan". We all sit against my bed munching on the snacks Tae brought, the room completely dark besides the lights from the TV. I look to my left, Tae next to me, and Jungkook next to him. While Tae was watching the movie, Jungkook was watching something else... well more like someone else. He pretended to watch the TV, but more frequent than not, he would glance to his side to look at Tae's face. Fortunately for him, Tae is very invested in the movie and isn't noticing this unlike me.

The next time Jungkook turns his face, we connect eye contact and he quickly looks away.

So... this is what he meant when he said he was beginning to become confused when surrounded by only guys at school. He's totally


For his roommate nonetheless!

The movie ended, and the only person who paid attention was crying.

"Ahh.. Jae, I'm going to use your restroom *sniff* real quick, if you don't mind." He gets up rubbing his eyes,

"Yea, go ahead."

He quickly shuffles away and into the rest room, leaving me and Jungkook alone, the awkward silence filling the room besides the soft rambling of the commercials playing from the TV.

"So.." I begin, "Those feelings you said that were confusing you."

I look towards him, he doesn't look at me.

"You like- Do you like, Taehyung? Like, romantically?"

His face tightens, and his fists ball up, the veins being shown prominently despite the darkness.

"No. I don't, I don't know what would make you think that. I'm straight. You saw for yourself.. and felt for yourself.. that I'm very much attracted to women." His voice is very deep, and serious. He really doesn't want to accept the fact he's inlove with a person of the same gender?

"Jungkook... you don't have to hide it, or deny it. It's completely normal-"

"Oh yea, like pretending to be a guy when you're actually a girl is completely normal."

I glare at him, he still doesn't make eye contact.

"That's... besides the point."

"Then what is the point."

"The point is that you like Taehyung, but you can't accept it."

"I do like Tae, but not like that."

"Stop it. Stop denying it. I see the way you look at him, you can't stop, and you-"


We both look towards the door, which soon opened, and showed someone entering.

"Ugh.. why is it so dark in here.." Hoseok groans as he kicks off his shoes and walks to the light switch, turning it on, to find me and Jungkook sitting together alone. He stops in his tracks, his eyes going from Jungkook to me several times before he can say anything, "Ah- ah I'm- Sorry I- I didn't know you guys were still- I didn't mean to intrude, I'll-"

Almost like it was on script, Taehyung steps out of the bathroom and sees Hoseok standing there, "Ah! Hi! Sorry for just coming in here, we just wanted to check on Jae to make sure he's alright."

Hoseok's mouth is open in confusion as he now sees that there are three of us instead of two.

"So you guys were just.. hanging out?"

Taehyung laughs, "Yea, what else would we be doing? Do you want to join us?"

Hoseok puts his bag down and gulps, nodding awkwardly as he waddles over to join our little circle.

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