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The sight of my dusky-colored home seemed welcoming and warm as I slid out of Alex's jeep and turned around to shut the door. I leaned in against the open window and smiled, "Thanks for the ride Blonds. I appreciate it"

A pout settled on Alex's face when I spoke the 'Blonds' part but he grinned only a mere minute afterward and giving me a mock salute and a hearty "anything for you Thi" shifted the gears into reverse before turning towards his driveway and driving in.

The winds picked up just as I turned towards my home, a golden leaf flying and colliding against my cheeks. I merely smiled as I brushed it away gently and moved towards the door, unable to wait another second.

Fishing out the keys from my bag I quickly pushed it into the keyhole and twisted the door open.

Everything was the same, a broken smile flashed itself on my lips as I slowly passed the living room and made my way towards the kitchen where I could hear my mum cooking, her famous lasagna's aroma wafting through my senses, my mouth salivating from the lack on the consumptions section today.

Turning around the corner a gasp escaped by lips when an arm grabbed hold of mine and pulled me back.

"Miss! What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in the castle? His highness will be so very angry! Oh no miss you must go back! I thought Mr. and Mrs. Anderson were suppose to spend the weekend at the castle?"

I frowned at Agnus and shook my head, "Change of plans. I refuse to go back there if Bryce is going to be cowardly and run away from stupid misunderstanding! I feel like I'm the 24 year old one here Agnus!"

A small giggle left Agnus' lips and she shook her head in humor. "Oh yes, that does sound like Alexander. He loses his calm cool headed self whenever you are mentioned. Oh you should have seen him the very first time he smelt you."

Smelt Me?

My nose scrunched up in an awkward way as I looked at Agnus with bewildered confusion. "smelt. me? Like....a.... Okay sorry."

"No dear-" Agnus shook her head, almost rippling in laughter. "His highness, or master Alexander, as we the maids call him, smelt your scent, his mate, like a Lycan he is, from the castle the day you moved into this house. Broke into a spring mid sentence, he did! Almost broke Romanov's arms when he tried to stop master Wilhem for a chat! And afterwards, he was fuming thinking you had a boyfriend. It was a sight to see!"

I almost cried because it was so funny, I suppose I did because the tears milked out by intense laughter, slipped down my cheeks as I noticed Agnus had her own set of pearls running down her face while she continued to laugh uncontrollably.


It took us a while to calm down, but we got there, and when we did Agnus continued to coax me into returning, her fear for her king greater than her understanding for my peace. I suppose she couldn't help it, she knew his anger, and if she wished not to be at the blasting side of it because she was a housekeeper at mine, it was rightly proper that I not blame her for trying to coax me into going back.

And well at the end of the day, although she had tried her earnest best, I had relented. After all, what was the purpose of going back to the castle when Bryce had fled? All matters put, in actuality, with all due practicality it only seemed fitting I leave if he had left, too. I mean, it wasn't like it was permanent. I just needed to stay at home for a few weeks, maybe even have Casey over, before left for the castle. What harm could a week or two do, right?

Well, after the little chat with Agnus, I had merrily marched into the kitchen leaving the slightly scared and understanding woman behind, when I had been instantly engulfed into a large bear hug, only missing that my father was only just standing by the corner of the doorway, watching mum cook.

Mated to the Alpha King | First Draft SampleWhere stories live. Discover now