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The fall seemed effortless as we reached the ground smoothly. My head bobbed a bit and I couldn't help but punch his back again.

"Let me go! I don't want to get kidnapped by you! Just let me go! Okay!?" I yelled as I squirmed in his hold, his claws on my thighs tightened and I squirmed even more at the discomfort.

We had only reached the edge of the woods when a slightly deranged looking Roman rushed forward, he moved around to face me when Bryce growled lowly in warning.

"Back off cousin. She's mine"

I scoffed and punched him on the back again. Who the hell gave him the right to claim me when he already had a girlfriend! "Actually I am Theia. Not 'mine'. And I missed you too Rome"

A deadly growl ripped out of Bryce's throat and I let out a startled scream as I got pushed against the trunk of a large tree.


I stared into Bryce's glowing angry golden eyes with wild bewilderment.

"Let her go brother! She doesn't need to be treated like this! You can not possibility want to mark her after kidnapping her, and that too against a tree-" Roman stopped immediately as Bryce shot his head towards Rome and snarled. But then continued when Bryce seemed to be mulling over what he had said. "-Calmly think it over this. You both need to have a calm talk over this. Do not do something you will regret in the future, cousin"

With a last soft look in my direction, his gaze assuring and warm, Roman turned and fled into the woods.

Bryce growled angrily and I snapped my head towards his. His snout nearly grazing my jaw as he continued to push me against the tree, his sharp canines barred for all to see.

Truthfully speaking, I was a bit scared. His claws were starting to impale me, but I don't think he took notice in his rage.

"You left me!" He growled, his canines nipping at my jaw lightly. His grip now loosened itself around my waist. I almost thanked him for that.


Instead, I glared at him. "When I leave you, you will know."

His gaze darkened and he growled loudly, an owl hooted somewhere in the distance. His arms tightened around my waist and he pulled me closer.

"You will never leave me again!"

I couldn't even give him a proper reply before he had me hoisted up on his shoulders again and was running at a speed I knew was not capable by human standards. Heck, even wolves couldn't run that fast.

Everything seemed like a blur as he ran, his claws gripping on my thighs, he adjusted me over to his front making me wrap my legs around his waist as he pushed my face against his chest and leaped up catching onto a trunk of a tree, he growled as I whimpered at the impact of the motion but didn't stop for a second before he leaped again, this time landing on solid ground.

"You can look now"

I almost flinched at his dark tone, his mere voice was doing a pretty good job at conveying how livid he was. The sounds of heavy rainfall just beginning to pour down, began, and I nearly cried out loud. I suppose there was no escaping tonight.

Hearing his 'command' I quickly unwrapped my arms from around his neck and began to unwrap my legs when his claws tightened around my thighs and he pulled me against him again. I snapped my gaze to his and glared at him.

His snout closer to me than what I would find comfortable, his canines displayed in their bold ferociousness. The only place I could gain comfort from were his golden eyes, that was now harboring specs of blue. So beautiful...

Mated to the Alpha King | First Draft SampleWhere stories live. Discover now