Blonde moved closer and despite the nervous sweats beginning to trickle down my neck, despite the blush that must have practically made me look like a darned tomato and despite the fact that a could be Abercrombie model was barely brushing noses with me now, I stared back.

Alex suddenly grinned, and my eyes widened as a spark shot across his eyes, slightly glazing his beautiful blue orbs over. He inched closer, only for a second, as if going in for a kiss and I fisted my hands tightly on my sides, before moving back to brushing noses again.

This was bad. I felt more nervous than when I had to sit for the surprise quiz for AP calculus. I was sure I was going to die of intense heart palpitations. This was that bad.

Suddenly, Alex's expression turned more serious and the smirk disappeared. And it was then, that I knew that this was never about the game.He had just wanted to kiss me.

Get ready to initiate a punch.

He moved slightly closer, and I stilled realizing that my back was now pressed against the bookshelves. I would either lose this game or get kissed.

Lose, it is.

Just as I was about to push blonde away a very loud yet distant growl rung out from the direction of a castle and I shot my head towards the window to see a blur of white run past one of those windows.


Blonde stilled instantly.

I stilled, still looking at the castle. Ghosts...

The whole world came to a standstill.

Alex grimaced slightly and moved back until he sat on the other edge of the bench. His face shone true horror. As if he had just encountered a ghost, or realized the woman he wanted in his bed was in fact, a man.

Oh, makeup! Shine thy light upon my beard! For I want smooth cheeks too!

"You alright there, Blonds? I wonder what that was though." I asked him, awkwardly placing my hand on his shoulder, I silently hoped he would tell me what he knew about the growl. Because it was clear he knew something.

Disappointment on my part, Alex nodded. Before looking at me and smiling slightly.

"You lost," he stated, getting up and moving towards the door.

Opening the door he turned back and smirked.

Damn that smirk!

"See you in school, Theia."

And with that, he closed the door and left.

I slumped slightly onto the bench and sighed my mind whirling with Alex's reaction to the growl, it was clear he knew something, his face had been too scared not to know. What was Alex hiding?

Turning to look at the castle once more, I opened the window wide open. Bright lights now illuminated half of the castle windows and grounds, the other half however still stood in darkness. Maybe because of its little usage. It made sense. That castle seemed big enough for a thousand people. Or more actually. Still though, to see the soft glow of the castle against the slightly bluish grey color of the skies, made it look magical. Then again, how could it not? After all, who would have thought that there would be such a big splendid looking castle, just on the outskirts of Seattle, in a city like Piedmond.

Thinking of city, maybe shopping really wasn't such a bad idea. I straightened on the bench, my face suddenly bright again with the excitement and dread I had felt in the car, beginning this journey. Yes, maybe shopping really wasn't a bad idea, after all, I had school from Monday and the weekend provided a great time to get up and ready for that.

With my mind made up and a whisper of a smile gracing my lips unconsciously I closed the window shut and made my way towards the window near the couch, opening that up I paced my way towards the bathroom. I had checked the bathroom out earlier and had decided that it was more than what I had in my previous home, which was alright for me. From everything from the bathtub to the shower to the potty-exterminator. Everything looked great and new.

Moving towards the shower I realized I had left my essentials behind, shaking my head as a chuckle passed my lips I slowly walked out, into my bedroom once again, but stopped when I noticed the curtains from the window flow in one direction very strangely.

I stopped in my steps. The image of the curtains flowing in one direction shot up in my mind again. Flowing in one direction... as if something had just rushed past it.

My eyes widened and I looked around my empty room, suddenly feeling stupid I shook my head.

"Theia. You're an idiot" I muttered under my breath and shaking my head went over to my untouched suitcases. I hadn't let Blonde touch any of the suitcases that contained my clothes and showering essentials. That boy was too naughty for his own good.

Pulling both the suitcases towards the door I knew would be a walk in closet I picked the much better small suitcase which I knew belonged to my bath essentials and opened it.

Grabbing onto the bag with my body washes, shampoos, conditioners and scrubs I walked into the bathroom and set everything up.

I walked back out once done and grabbed onto the creams and body lotions I knew I would most probably use after showers and moved them into the bathroom, placing them in front of the mirror. Finally done, I walked out once again and dumped my night clothes onto the bed before shutting close the suitcase and placing it besides the ones packed with clothes.

Feeling my muscles ache with the day's work and travel, I groaned as I turned the main lights off and turned on the string lights around the room before grabbing the clothes and marching into the bathroom.

A bubble bath was very much in order.




The one and the only thing I could think of as I made my way out of the bathroom, all scrubbed and brushed, clad in tiny boxer shorts and a tank top.

Unwrapping the towel from my wet hair I gave my hair a final rub and hung the towel on the towel hanger before padding my way towards my backpack.

The sooner I plug both my iPod and phone into the charging dock, the faster I can get to food, I thought as I plugged in the chargers one by one and leaving it to sit on my study table, marched out of my bedroom. The hunger hazing my senses so much that I didn't even notice the man standing by my window, wearing a black shirt and grey trousers, never moving his gaze from me.

And I surely didn't notice the faint whisper, when he simply frowned and said "mine"

And I surely didn't notice the faint whisper, when he simply frowned and said "mine"

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Mated to the Alpha King | First Draft SampleWhere stories live. Discover now