Mine || Naruto Uzumaki

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First one—hope you enjoy
On with the shot~


Staring at his face as he sleeps is the best feeling—and view of the world. I know, weird right. Sometimes, I wonder why I have a boyfriend so amazing as him; his smile, laugh, and personality—I love everything about him.

"Don't you think it's a little weird to stare at me while I'm sleeping, babe." He says chuckling to himself. He pulls me closer to his chest. Smiling—I nuzzle closer.
"Well it's hard for me not to stare you're incredibly handsome."
He looks down at my face; his beautiful cerulean eyes staring into my soul. Blushing I nuzzle deeper onto his chest.

"Wow, you're beautiful Y/n." He grabs my chin and lifts my head up to look at him
"I'm so lucky to I have you."
He passionately kisses me making me moan. My hands make their way into his blonde spiky locks.
Pushing me back—He scans my face.
"Mine," he grabs my chin and pulls me closer. "All mine."
We make love the rest of the night.


Don't forget to do the little extra stuff authors ask you to do at the end of a chapter
And see you guys later


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