Yet, there was Mason, worrying for Evelyn. Although Evelyn's denting his car had caused him greatly, he wanted to make sure she was alright.

Evelyn finally walked out of the hallway. The smile that was on Evelyn's lips during lunch break was long gone. Instead, she looked the same way she looked in the morning, lost and hopeless.

Evelyn passed him like she hadn't even seen him. Too stunned by her ignorance he stayed frozen in his spot. She walked away towards the school gate and when he realized she was going away the words left his throat, "Evelyn!"

Evelyn froze in her tracks and slowly looked behind. Her eyes met Mason's, confused. He also saw a flash of fear cross her eyes.

"If you want to talk about the morning, then let me tell you again, nothing happened. You can leave me alone now." She said with her face hard as stone.

"I just wanted to know if you-" Mason's voice was cut off by an angry Evelyn.

"Enough is enough, Mason. Just because I cried," She stopped and sucked in a breathe.

"Just because I cried in your arms in the morning doesn't mean I am your friend, or responsibility or anything. I know how to take care of myself."

Mason stood there, thinking where the rush of her anger was coming from. He just needed to be sure if she was fine. He looked down defeated.

Make up some excuses, dude.

"I just wanted to know if you would like to accompany me somewhere," As soon as the words left his throat, he stiffened.

Why did I even say that?

Evelyn walked forward, looking annoyed. Crossing her arms over her chest and with an unimpressed expression, she demanded, "Where?"

"Forget I ever said anything. Go home, " If Mason said that to restrain Evelyn from going with him, it totally did the opposite. She took a step forward.

"No. I won't," She said and took another step forward, "You saw me crying and you are thinking I am weak and I should just go home and not go with you."

"It has nothing to do with your crying, " Mason said as Evelyn took another dangerous step. His back pressed against the car as Evelyn stood looking at him, threatening.

If this was any other time, Mason would take his moments to appreciate how long her eyelashes were. But now, his life was at stake, so no time for that.

"You were so sweet worrying about me and all, " She said with her faces inches away, although it sounded like Evelyn was complimenting him, the looks on her face gave away she was mocking, "I have decided that I will accompany you wherever you are going, even if it's hell."

Evelyn declared and shoved Mason out of her path and was inside his car in a blink of an eye. Mason stood there, blinking and going over what just happened. His thoughts were disturbed by a girly shout, "What are you still doing outside?"

Mason almost ran to the other side and got into driver seat. He looked over at Evelyn who seemed too distracted by the breathtaking beauty of school building completely forgetting about safety.

He hovered over and buckled the seat belt for her. She noticed immediately and glanced his way. When he was finished he looked up and he could swear he saw fire in her hazel eyes. "I can buckle my own seat belt you know and also there is something called personal space. Though I assume you never heard of it," She finished and shoved him in his stomach.

He retreated back in his seat yelping in pain and massaged his stomach. He wondered if this was the thing they said about girl's mood. He remembered Mallory, his sister, being angry for no reason at all and Mason had to buy ice cream whenever she went haywire.

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