"Oh my god! You were totally checking that guy out!" Madge figures it out leaving Katniss vulnerable against her best friend

"I wasn't" Katniss scoffs "just waiting for you to slowly finish up which took forever might I add" although Katniss used it as a fireback, Madge still smirked knowing that she caught her in the act making Katniss thank to god the Madge comes with her only two days a week.


Katniss continues to see this man every time that she comes to the gym, well except on weekends and Thursdays. She continues her workouts while discreetly trying to spot the man who she so commonly meets her and it's not till she's waiting at the reception desk for an upgrade when that same man decides to walk out in a white shirt with a logo and writing that reads 'Mellark Baked Goods and Delights' with black jeans and a pair of white Paul Smith shoes on and of course he chooses to walk over to her as the woman at the front desk, Wiress, hands Katniss her new upgraded card meaning she can have access to the third floor now

"I see that you admire me from afar" he says, of course... he had to be British with a thick sexy British accent

"I wouldn't call it 'admire' more like 'loathing' you know, I tend to with cocky guys like you" she snaps back, defending herself against this quite large man well he's not as big as most of the guys in here but he definitely is against Katniss making her use her usual defence, her mouth

"Wow.... so heartbroken. I at least thought someone as short as you could come up with a much better comeback. Your hitting me back with the most horrendous and weak comebacks I had ever heard" Peeta fights back with his signature smirk, Katniss's hands ball up at her sides, growing very impatient and angry with him

"Say that again and I rip you apart" she growls with anger in her eyes

"I'm twice the size of you, I think I can take you" he scoffs

"Better luck next time sweet cakes" he says

"Im Peeta by the way, incase you want to stalk me later" he adds just as he exits the building, leaving Katniss confused and infuriated with this man who she still doesn't know besides his name.


As days went on Peeta and Katniss tended to bicker a lot while seeing each other almost everyday at the same gym but Madge claims that they're doing it because none of them have the balls to ask one or the other out which Katniss obviously denied completely. It's when this particular day happened when Katniss realised something wasn't right. Peeta had just finished his weight lifting when another girl went up to him and they started talking and laughing, Katniss knew that she didn't want to feel what she did but she did, jealousy and anger bottled up inside her and she wanted to go up to them and claim Peeta as hers but she held back thankfully.

In the locker rooms Katniss can over hear the woman who was talking to Peeta about how he asked her out and that their going out tonight to who she supposed is her friends

"I bet we'll have sex tonight as well. He won't be able to resist from what I'm wearing" she hears her say, Katniss rolls her eyes

"He seems pretty easy to convince in bed" one of the friends giggle in response, Katniss decides to leave not wanting to hear the rest of the conversations but of course as she chooses not to look up from her phone from texting she bumps into none other than Peeta

"Well, well. You know texting while walking is a bad habit" he smirks

"Really? Being too cocky and an asshole is a bad habit too. God knows that's probably why you can't stay in a relationship" Katniss scoffs

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