Chapter 6

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Karma's POV

Nagisa went into the class and I peeped through the window to see him being over rum by a bunch of people twice his size. He looks smaller than usual. Then, I started feeling his annoyance rise when he yelled at them to site down. I wasn't surprised that they listened to him. Maybe he was cut out for after all. What did surprise me though was that all of those kids where laughing and smiling while he was lecturing them about their actions. They're too chummy. I could fell an irk mark grow on my forehead and I entre the room with ought thinking.

- Karma, what do you think you're doing? I didn't say you could come in yet.

- Hey teach, who the hell is that. One of them yelled will pointing a finger at me.

- Show some respect brat! You're just some punk, how dare you point your dirty fighter at me. I said with a calm but menacing voice.

- I'll point my finger at whoever I want to point at jakass!

Nagisa's POV

Oh no... I knew this was going to happen. What do I do know? Not having the energy to deal with their bickering, I do the only thing that came to mind. I climb onto the teachers stool too get to hire ground and wack Karma on the back of his head. I quickly got down and did the same to Retsu but with ought the need to get to higher ground because he was sitting down. The two momentarily frozen, I tuck the opportunity to talk.

- To answer your question, this is Karma. He used to be a class mate of mine and because of what happened yesterday, he will be staying here encase something happens again.

- Now, we will answer all of your questions after you sign this contract. It stats that everything we will tell you will not leave this room. If you do reveal anything to anyone, you and the person you tell it to will be put in a max security prison under the charges of spreading classified information.

- Huh!?!?

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