Chapter 2

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Retsu's POV

Class started and we were revising what we had learned they day before when a question popped into my head and I was enveloped with curiosity.

''Hey teach...''

'' Yes, what is it Retsu?''

''What was your teacher like. You mentioned how he inspired you but didn't go into more detail.''

''What an interesting question. My teacher was a giant yellow purvey octopus.''

The whole class started laughing and as Nagisa tells me not to interrupt the lesson without raising my hand. Inbarest, I look down as he continued class when I hear the shattering of glass and instinctively bring my attention bake to the front. I stared in horror as I see that one of the windows completely destroyed and the teacher was hit with what seemed to be a very small syringe. He drops to the flor leaving us in a state of panic.

Nagisa's POV

I continue the lesson after warning Retsu to stop interrupting at his leajure when I hear glass breaking and something hits my left shoulder. Looking to the area of impact, I quickly take the needle out and fall to the ground my body temporarily immobilized. Once I manage to calm down which didn't take long at all, I shouted to the students to get down removing a panel from the flooring and take out a small hand gun.

In my mind students were relatively out of danger judging by the angle of the shot and the ammo they used however, just in case, I check to see if they had taken my warning to hart. Relived, I us the teacher's stand as a shield wen a volley of siring's is launched into the room. Peking my head out, I try finding the perpetrator. He was in a tree about 50 meters away. I am for one of the branches attempting to make him fall.

Dam I missed, I say to myself wishing and wishing that I had practiced shouting more with Ryûnosuke and Rinka. I am again and this time my bullet hits its mark making the man fall to the ground. Telling everyone to stay put, I run out of class and towards the courtyard where I find my attacker unconscious. Covering him up with a piece of fabric and start dragging him towards the class because he was clearly bigger than me. I couldn't lift him up.

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