Ch 11 - Moonlight Part 1

Start from the beginning

Thought it was boob guy. But okay. You hooked your shorts off and slid them off the bed. "Mero you're sure about this?"

"I'm sure." She grabbed hold of her breasts and wrapped them around your member that shot all the up. "He seems excited. Since you like them so much." She pressed them together and moved them up and down. "How's that?"

"Great." Your back digs into the bed. The soft and warm sensation around your member took over your body. Ive never had this before.

"Relax Love. I will take good care of..." You unload and burst upward. It lands all over her breasts. "My I didn't expect that."

"Sorry. I've never had that. It feels so good."

"How's it taste?".

"I don't..."

She dabs a finger and swallows a small amount. "Salty. Not bad though. I'll go clean up."

"Ummmm... go do... that."

Lemon Warning Over

Small taste to bigger and better things.

"Now beloved you should bathe and get dressed and have a good breakfast before work."

"Yeah and an espresso to stay up." You yawn again.

"Darling I can get you up."

"That my new name? Do I call you something else?" What can I call her? Not like I can say sex kitten. She's a mermaid. Sex fish. Yeah that's just bad. So what the hell do I do?

"Only in bed. And maybe we can do this again. And continue too."

Must, not, lewd. "I'll be late for work."

"Mermaids don't have a gag reflex."

It can wait. You turn your head. "I'm listening."

"Tonight if you're good. But, I might be feeling bad." She kissed your cheek. "Go get ready Titan. I'll be in momentarily.

"Gladly." You pick up your clothes and head to the bath. Time to get up. Turns out you were ahead of schedule. But take it and run away with it. You are going to need it after the mermaid delay. Mermaid busty pleasure intensified. Aaaaaaoooooooooooggggaaaaahhh!

So you hit the shower to get the sweat and "other" substances off of you. It helped get the sleepiness out of your eyes as well. Then into the bath since you have time. A little soak to think before you grab a quick breakfast and coffee before work.

"Titan?" Mero called.

"I'm here."

"I... brushed my teeth and all. Can I join?"

"Depends Mero. You bring me a cup of coffee?"


"I'm kidding. Always welcome. Water is warm."

She rolls herself over from her wheelchair and jumps in the water. "Well Handsome you seem happy."

"What can I say? Not too sore, fun time with you, and I can have a slow paced morning. All is good and well."

"I would hope I satisfy you Love." She smiled and swam up next you. Planting her head on your shoulder. Making sure you were happy.

"More than that Mero. Tradegy seems to be my middle name. Hope I keep you happy." A double check on both sides were good.

"Very. You make me smile and make me hot."

"Easy now."

"What? I can't help it."

"I know Mero. It's okay. I'm hoping next check I can find us a resturant and such. A nice date. Go from there."

Mero gasped. Her face almost as pink as her hair. "Titan where is this coming from?"

"I've been thinking about us."

"What do you mean Darling?"

"You're my girlfriend. We share a bed. Think about it."

"Is it tragic that no man of any species has done that?"

You sigh. "I know where this is going. Yes."

"Tragedy!" She chimed.

"Take it down a notch Scales. Don't wake up the house. Especially if Miia hears the word Darling. She might have a heart attack."

"Sorry Dear."

"Let's just enjoy a five minute soak before I get to work."

"Thanks Titan."

"Any time Mero."


The moon and being together. Warning you and all. Yet nothing flicks the switch in your head. Good luck there pal. *Head pat*

As always I hope all enjoyed, vote for more, comment freely, and as always have an awesome day cause you guys are the best and make this happen. Any questions or concerns are welcome. Love you all.


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