Loopy Tuesdays #3

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Yet another, yes.

Each of us is supposed to present a math problem to the class each week, and then we all solve it together. This one week, everyone was presenting their problems, and one of us made a joke. It was really funny, but I don't remember anything about what she actually said. 

I was going right after the guy whose math problem had caused the joke. (We weren't making fun of him, promise. I think the guy in his math problem was buying something really weird, and then someone referenced a meme... anyways)

I still wasn't over it by the time I went up there, because I do not chill, and right before I started explaining, that girl whispered the joke again, and I started laughing so hard. I was crying, again.

Who does that during math problems?

My kids: "What highschool stereotype were you, Mother Darling?"

Me: "The kid who laughed so hard she cried every class."

Me: *starts laughing*

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