Meeting The Winchesters

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Chapter 1

Driving down the road in my car, I began to feel a rush. I was heading to a bank in Oklahoma after I had recently visited two other crime scenes nearby. The crime scenes were based around murders that appeared to be quite looney, one being a man's heart literally busted out of his chest and the other being a man hovering in mid-air for a moment while jumping off a building. Now this one was an anvil that has crushed a security guard. I had been investigating each and every single one, trying to find some sort of connection between the three so I could find out who was murdering these people. Now this was going to be the last murder. I was going to find out who killed these people and stop them once and for all.

Just then, I arrived at the bank. I immediately pulled up my black SUV into the parking lot and headed into the bank with my FBI badge wallet, ready to learn about this particular murder. As I entered the building I saw three FBI Agents standing around the anvil with the man crushed underneath it. I then began to walk along before I suddenly realized that I knew the men. Two of them were The Winchester brothers and the other one must have been another hunter but either way, they were all posing as FBI Agents which was the same thing that I was doing. It was common for all hunters to do this as it always helped us gather information about murders that happen however, this was the first time I had ever come across three working the same case as me.

After some time of walking, I finally reached the anvil and the hunters immediately spotted me. Just as The Winchesters were about to say something, the female detective, who was running the case, entered the bank and walked straight towards us...

"Agents. I was just about to give you a ring. Tell me, does The FBI normally need several Agents working the case?" she asked.

"Well normally, no but considering this was such an unusual case, they thought that we could use more than one set of Agents, working the case," I answered.

"Well I guess this is rather of an unusual case considering this all seems like it is from a cartoon," she said.

"Guessing this guy really loves his cartoons," I said.

"Who's the pancake?" Dean Winchester asked.

"Security guard. He called in reporting a robbery but by the time we got here-" she said.

"A robbery?" Sam Winchester questioned.

"Looks like The Black Hole was trying to open a safe deposit box when the guard found him and well- you know how that story ends," she explained.

"Black Hole?" the hunter questioned.

"It's our name for the burglar that has been running this place. He's a pro, no fingerprints, never any sign of forced entry, just a pair of those every time. Like he's signing his work," she said, turning to see a black hole on the wall.

"Just like every criminal ever known to man," I said.

She then turned back to us before saying...

"He's never done anything like this before though, obviously," she said.

"You mind if I take a look at your files on those other break-ins?" Sam asked.

"No skin off my nose, I'm heading to the station now if you want a ride?" she offered.

"Perfect," Sam said before following her out of the bank.

Once Sam and the detective were gone, Dean and the hunter turned to me before Dean said...

"Okay, who are you?" Dean asked.

"I'm an FBI Agent just like the three of you," I answered.

"Nice try but I think you know that we're not FBI Agents and neither are you so why don't we just cut the crap and tell us who you are!" Dean snapped.

"Fine. I'm a hunter okay?, just like the both of you and your brother Sam," I said.

"Actually he's not a hunter," Dean said, referring to the man behind him.

"Oh, so who is he?" I asked.

"He's an Angel," Dean answered.

"Former Angel," the man corrected.

"Okay," I said.

"I'm Castiel," the man said, introducing himself.

"Elizabeth. Elizabeth Blackthorne," I said, introducing myself.

"Okay Elizabeth, if you're a hunter then why haven't we heard of you?" Dean asked.

"Because I've always done things solo, never having help from any hunters," I answered.

"So you hunt alone?" Dean asked.

"Yes," I answered.

"No family?" Dean asked.

"No. I am the last of my name after my family were all killed by demons," I answered.

"I'm sorry," Dean apologized.

"It's okay. It was a long time ago," I said.

Our attention then moved from our conversation to the anvil before Dean said...

"Hey. Can you lift this?" Dean asked Castiel.

Castiel then walked over to the anvil and moved it to the side, revealing lots of blood and in the middle was a cross.

"X marks the spot. Well whoever is doing this is playing by cartoon rules," Dean said.

"Animation doesn't have rules," Castiel said.

"Sure it does. In Toontown, a pretty girl can make your heart leap out of your chest, anvils fall from the sky and if you draw a door or black hole on the wall you can stroll right through," Dean said as he walked over to one of the black holes on the walls.

"So this is how the thief got in," Castiel said as we followed Dean to the black hole.

"And out, and cracked the volt," Dean said.

"Then why isn't it working now?" Castiel asked as he tried to go through the black hole.

"I got no clue," Dean answered.

"Okay so I better be going so I can do more research on this case. You boys can go home, I've got it from here," I said as I walked over to the doors of the bank.

"And why would we do that?, we found the case and there's three of us and one of you. Why don't we all work together?" Dean asked, following me with Castiel behind him.

I then stopped and turned before saying...

"I work alone. I don't or will never need help. I've been doing this for my entire life and I guess you can say I'm kind of a pro," I said.

"Well we're not backing out of this one and you might need help even if you've been doing this for your entire life. We're just here to stop this killer and safe lives, helping out a fellow hunter was just something extra that we're just throwing in there but if you don't want our help then that's fine, we're just doing our job," Dean explained.

"And what do you think I'm doing?" I asked rhetorically before leaving the bank and heading to my SUV.

Once I reached my car, I immediately climbed in and drove off down the street and towards a motel so I could get some rest and do some extra research before I finally caught this looney tune killer... 

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