Looking For Benny

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Chapter 12

After arriving in Louisiana, we all got out of the impala and headed into this motel called The Baudelaire, which looked rather cheap and wrecked. We then headed up the stairs before heading down the hall and stopping at a room. Just as we got ready to knock, the door opened and a man appeared. This man was clearly Martin Creaser as he looked a wreck.

"Come on in," Martin said.

The boys then walked in and I followed before Martin stopped me at the door and said...

"Who are you?" Martin asked.

"I'm Elizabeth Blackthorne and I'm a hunter," I answered.

"Blackthorne?, why does that sound familiar?" Martin asked.

"Probably because I'm a Phoenix," I said before glowing my eyes to prove who I was.

"Oh my god," Martin said, looking a little freaked.

"I won't hurt you," I said, changing my eyes back to normal.

"She's cool Martin," Dean said finally.

"You boys shouldn't be working with someone like her," Martin said.

"Martin it's fine," Sam said.

"No Sam, he's right. I'll just be downstairs," I said before turning around and heading down the stairs.

Once I did this, I headed outside before standing beside the impala and beginning to think about what Martin had just said. I knew that what being a supernatural creature was going to be hard to accept with hunters but it still hurt me to hear that a hunter wanted nothing to do with me before he has even got to know me.

After some time had gone by, Dean finally walked out of the building and began to head towards me.

"Hey," I said as he finally reached myself and the impala.

"Hey. Elizabeth, I'm sorry. Martin shouldn't have asked you to leave," Dean said.

"It's okay Dean. I knew that there was going to be some difficulty with trusting me from other hunters I just guess I have to get used to it," I said.

"Well I trust you," Dean said.

"I know you do," I said.

We then began to look at each other in the eyes for a while, not saying anything and just letting our eyes talk to each other. After some moments of this, I finally broke up the moment and said...

"So, what did Martin say?" I asked.

"Well apparently Benny is going by the name, Roy and that Martin thinks he killed this man after he saw Benny walk past for a moment and then two seconds later, Martin finds a man drained of blood," Dean explained.

"But did Martin actually see Benny do this?" I asked.

"No he didn't," Dean answered.

"Well then there we go, Benny didn't do it," I said.

"I asked Sam if we could have some time to find Benny so we can find out the truth and he said we can have a few hours. So I'm going to head to the diner that Benny was seen in last night, do you want to come with?" Dean asked.

"Of course, I can't wait to see Benny again," I said.

"How long has it been since you last saw each other?" Dean asked.

"A few decades," I answered.

"How old are you?" Dean asked.

"Old," I answered.

"Well you will always be young in my eyes," Dean said.

"Thank you," I said.

We then smiled before heading into the impala and driving off to the diner that Benny was at last night.

Once we arrived, Dean and I instantly walked into the diner and saw a young woman, owning a very crowded diner. Dean and I then walked over to the bar before taking a seat. The woman gave Dean and myself a menu before Dean said...

"Actually I already know what I want," Dean said.

"Let me guess, gumbo?" the woman asked.

"Was going to be the gumbo until I saw the pie," Dean said.

"And you?" she asked me.

"I'll just have coffee," I said.

"You got it," she said before walking off.

Once she walked off, Dean and I spotted a photo with Benny and the woman on the wall.

All of a sudden she came back with my coffee and said...

"There you go," the woman said.

"Thanks," I said before taking a sip of it.

"Also, I've got some bad news," she said to Dean.

"You're out of pecan, the story of my life. Uh that's alright, maybe you can make it up to me, we're actually looking for an old friend of ours. We heard he's kicking around these parts, his name is Roy," Dean explained.

"Well Roy works the nightshift here, I mean if we're talking about the same Roy," the woman said.

"He rolls around in a death trap of a car," Dean said.

"Yeah I thought I was the only one who gave him trouble over that piece of junk," she said.

"You wouldn't know where he's parking that thing these days would you?" Dean asked.

"Well he was parking it out back but just called to tell me he's gone up to Millcreek for a few days," she said.

"Did he tell you why?" I asked.

"Fishing I think, really deserves a break, he's been working doubles for the past two weeks straight," she said.

"Um listen, I'll tell you what. If he pops up before we can find him, would you do me a favour and tell him to give me a call," Dean said before handing her his phone number.

"Sure thing, Dean," she said as she saw his name of the piece of paper.

"And you are?" Dean asked as we arose from our chairs.

"Elizabeth," she answered.

"Oh my god, that's so weird. My name is Elizabeth too," I said.

"No way," Elizabeth said.

"Well here, this is for the coffee," I said before giving her some money.

"Thank you," Elizabeth said.

"Maybe I'll have some pie another time," Dean said.

"Definitely," Elizabeth said.

After saying this, Dean and I left the diner before Dean got out his phone and began to dial a number.

"Who are you calling?" I asked.

"Benny," Dean answered.

Dean then placed the phone against his ear before leaving Benny a voicemail saying...

"Benny, I got a body here in Carencro with two holes in it and I just found out you went fishing, do I need to tell you what this looks like?" Dean asked before hanging up.

Once he did this, we immediately headed into the impala before driving off to Millcreek to find Benny...

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