c h a p t e r 2 0

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He took his laptop that was connected to the projector and scrolled through Netflix and I looked over his shoulder while eating. Eventually, and I mean after 10 minutes of scrolling through the majority of Netflix, we decided to watch The Tourist because Angelina Jolie is goals. And Johnny Depp is alright too.

After getting another piece of pizza for the both of us, he sat down on a long cushion leaning against a wall and pulled me to him, "Come here baby girl." He sat with his legs on either side of me and pulled me to his chest. He wrapped his arms around my waist before tangling his fingers with mine. I felt him press his lips against my head and I melted into his body as we watched the movie play.

For the first time in a long time, I felt like I was in a safe place where I could be myself entirely. The movie finished and I was still cuddled up in his arms.

"I have one more thing for you," he whispered with a smirk. I raised an eyebrow as he pulled out a long jewelry box.

"Noah, you didn't have to get me anything". I whispered but he shook his head and kissed my forehead, "Nope, I got to spoil my girl as much as possible," He declared. Noah opened the box and pulled out a small silver chain choker necklace with a teeny heart in the middle.

 Noah opened the box and pulled out a small silver chain choker necklace with a teeny heart in the middle

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"It's stunning, thank you so much," I said in awe of the little necklace. He helped me fasten the necklace around my neck. I looked up at him only to see that he was already looking down at me with a small smile on his lips. I blushed, "What?" I asked him twisting around to face him. My legs were straddled around his and pulled me closer to him while cupping my cheek. He kissed my forehead again and whispered, "Just admiring the view."

He and his smooth cliche lines were going to be the death of me. My heart couldn't handle this.

I buried my face in the crook of his neck as we sat there just holding each other. I ran my fingers up and down his back lightly and I felt him shudder slightly before pressing another kiss to my neck, "I wish my mum could have met you," he says quietly into my ear, "She would have loved you to pieces". I pull back away from him slightly so I could look at him. Noah's eyes were full of emotions but the most dominant one was one I was very much familiar with, longing for his mother.

"Tell me about her?" I asked. I wanted to know everything about this kind-hearted boy sitting in front of me.

He smiles as his beautiful eyes cloud over remembering her.

"I was definitely a mama's boy when I was little. Dad would be at work all the time, so she became my best friend," he chuckled a little, "She definitely domesticated me, taught me how to clean and cook and how to treat girls. I would be hopeless now if she never did." I laughed along with him and imagined him struggling to cook. Of course, he would know how to though. He knew everything.

"She was gentle and super kind to everyone she met, no matter where they came from or what their history was. I wanted to be exactly like her, kind and just, no matter what. But people suck and I definitely have my dad's short temper, but it's a work in a progress," he explained.

"She sounds so nice, I wish I could have met her," I respond and he smiles again, "You know, her name was actually Grace."

I laughed and teased him, "Is that why you first started talking to me". His slightly red face hinted at yes. He poked me in the ribs in response causing me to squirm, I was super ticklish there.

He paused and looked at me again, "You remind me a lot of her, you know."


Noah nods and cups my cheeks, "You both laugh a lot, smile a lot and you're both super strong."


His fingers lightly brush over the scars on my wrists and I pull my arms away from him behind my back. It was an automatic reaction. To just hide them, pretend they were never there. I looked at my lap, well our laps seeing as I was still sitting on him. He lifts his hand again and tucks a strand of my hair behind my ear.

"You don't have to tell me anything baby, just know that I'm here if you ever want to talk". I look up at him and all I see is sincerity and gentleness in his eyes.

I bring my hands back to my lap and look down at the ugly scars, "I want to..." I start, "I trust you, Noah, I do..." I brush my hair off my face frustrated, "I don't know... I've never..." I start panicking slightly, all the words I want to say get caught up in my throat and my heart begins to race.

"Hey, hey baby," he whispers cradling my face in my hands, "It's ok, whenever you're ready". I sigh nod letting myself fall into his chest, into his never-ending warmth.

I feel his chest vibrate as he speaks, "You're not alone baby girl". And I believed him. I pull away and look at him and his beautiful eyes look back at me with admiration. It would be so easy to fall for this boy. "Thank you," I whisper and he pecks my lips.

He pulls his hands away from my waist and puts his hands on my lap, his palms facing up. I look down, and in the little light we had from the candles and fairy lights, I see faded pale white lines on his wrist, and instantly I know what they are.

I trace them lightly with my fingers and I see goosebumps raise on his arms. I pull his arm up to my lips and kiss his scars lightly.

His eyes cloud over slightly, "I was in a really bad place when my mum died. She was taken by cancer, we had found out too late and by the time we did she had a month left and we couldn't do anything." I tangle my fingers squeezing his hands.

He chuckles slightly in remembrance, "She was so strong though, she kept fighting it no matter what the doctors said, she didn't leave for another month and a half surprising all the doctors," he sighed and squeezed my hands back, "Her body gave up on her, but I knew she was fighting until her last breath."

"When she passed, everything kind of hit me all at the same time and I wasn't coping, I shut everyone and shut myself away. I didn't really take care of myself either. I was so angry that she was taken away so young when she still had so much life in her. I didn't know how to express my anger, everyone just assumed I was sad and depressed, but really I was just taking out all this anger out on myself".

I rubbed his wrists while holding his hands. He smiled, "That's when I found boxing and it was a good outlet for a long time. I stopped hurting myself, but I still hid from everyone. Nicholas was my only friend who stuck with me for the long run, I think all my other friends gave up, which is fair enough I guess, I made it difficult for them," He chuckled then, "That's why dad wanted me to go on the show, to meet new people, maybe he thought a girl would bring my old self back" he rolls his eyes, "Not a very typical way to meet people."


I couldn't help but giggle and he finally lifts his eyes to meet mine, "I haven't felt this content and just myself in a long time, which is ironic cause normally people on television are so stressed from being fake all the time." He kisses my forehead, "maybe it has something to do with meeting you, maybe my dad was actually right." He finally says and all I throw my arms around his neck pulling him to me, "I feel the same way, Noah".

Alexis xx

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