Chapter 2: Slightly Stalking

Start from the beginning

"I can't even imagine not speaking for ten years."

"Trust me... we know," I told him.

I truly don't understand why she never spoke to me when I would talk to her. I was really happy I was speaking to her, but I guess she didn't feel the same.

It was going well until one night that ruined my life and my brothers' life. I still remember it like it happened yesterday. My brothers understood, but I felt bad. How could I not? They were our parents.

"This house is too quiet," Ryder groaned. He sat up and looked around, squinting his eyes as if something suspicious was happening. "Too quiet."

"Where are your brothers?" Bennett asked.

"Still in Italy, but they'll be here in a few days," I told him.

"In Italy with grandma De Vil," Ryder chuckled.

"Watch out, She might... lynch you," Bennett laughed, but Ryder threw the pillow back at him.

"You're too lame," Ryder told him and shook his head.

"What? I thought it was funny."

I have three brothers. Who are occasionally, annoying, but I love them to death. They'd never let it down if they knew. Even though they still know. It's a family thing; an unspoken love.

They always pull pranks. That's why Ryder was suspicious because when they're home, the house is never quiet. I always get them back for their pranks. My brothers are triplets, but you can kind of tell them apart, which is a good thing.

One time, they covered their birthmarks and kept switching their names. It was annoying for me, but entertaining when Ryder kept getting mad because they kept playing with him.

The oldest of the three is Deacon, he has a birthmark on his left eye. The middle is Declan, he has a birthmark on his right eye, and the youngest is Dylan, who doesn't have a birthmark at all.

They pretty much look the same, so their light birthmark is the only way other people are able to tell them apart, but I have my ways.

Right now, my two idiots and I are hanging out. That consists of Bennett Sol and Ryder Lynch.

We've been best friends since we were eight. We were always causing trouble and picking fights. People were always scared of us. The only two people who weren't were Mae and her brother, Zachary. That's how I noticed Mae again in my freshman year.

She didn't try to talk to me or get scared, but I found out she never spoke to anyone that wasn't her brother. I would always try to get her to talk to me but she wouldn't give in. She was stubborn.

I looked at Ryder, and he was throwing a tennis ball up into the air while laying on his back. He threw it up, but it landed on his face, making me and Bennett laugh.

He threw the ball at Bennett, so Bennett threw it back at him, but Ryder caught it. "You're throwing that at the captain of the lacrosse team, you really thought I wouldn't have caught it."

"Well, you are a bit of a dumb ass, so I assumed you would have thought, the ball was just getting bigger," Bennett bit back. "Besides, you didn't even catch it before."

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