Chapter 1

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Today was the first day of my senior year, it wasn't anything special, just another day. And like always it was going to be financially tough for me and Pops, since we had to hire the nurse again. 

I looked at the clock and it read 7:45, I had 15 mins left to eat breakfast and get to school. Since my highschool was a 10 minute walk from home, I decided to skip breakfast. I didn't want to be late on my first day. 

I was dressed simply, nothing to fancy like the other girls at my school. I had a white vneck tshirt with a grey caridgan overtop and dark slimfit jeans. I pulled the whole outfit together with my favourite worn out pair of converses. You can say my wardrobe wasn't the type for colour. I guess it kind of went with my mood. To go with my outfit I had my boring brown hair, my average fit physique and my 5'7 height. The one thing that I truly loved about myself were my eyes, which I inherited from my mom's side, they were a pale almost translucent blue, like the sky when it's cloudy. However no one really noticed them, they kind of all just looked through me, like I was invisible, but I was happily content with that.

I quickly ran downstairs and saw that pops was in the kitchen at the dining table while the nurse, who goes by the name Janet, was preparing him a healthy breakfast. Janet had been with our family since we needed the help. She was the only nurse we ever had, in fact she was more like family, well family you paid for. 

"Goodmorning pops, goodmorning Janet" I quickly kissed both of them on the cheek, grabbed a slice of toast and ran out of the door.

"That girl is going to hurt herself bad the way she's always running around", I barely heard Janet say as the door shut. Pops on the other hand wasn't much of a talker, so I understood when he didn't reply back. He had been through a lot and it was okay with me when he didn't want to talk, although I tried my best to get him too. However, this morning I was in a rush, I looked down at my watch and realized I had exactly  10 minutes left. I was barely half way there and I still needed to go to my locker. I was so going to be late, great. 

When I finally got to school the bell had just rung so I wasn't going to be that late. I quickly went to my locker and then off to my first class of the day, Chemistry. 

As I walked into the classroom I realized the teacher wasn't here yet so i decided to quickly take a seat before the teacher decided to show up. Without even thinking I plopped myself down at a random seat and looked to my left. I don't know why I did it, all I know is I did. And that was the first time I saw Oliver, or as I called him Oli.

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