Chapter 4

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I'm so sorry I ditched you guys and this story. But I was finishing up my senior year and never had time to write. Now that I have the summer I will be updating more quickly. This chapter really is another filler but I promise the next one will be much better. Sorry my writing skills are kind of rusty. Anyways, enjoy :D

I dedicated this chapter to Uniquegirl17 since she motivated me to continue the story. Thank you. 


Oliver Hampton. That name sounded familiar but I chose to ignore it. Instead I quickly rushed home in order to free Janet of her duties, grab a bite to eat, do some homework and then get to work. I worked at a diner, the tips were great. I mean getting degraded by middle aged men wasn’t fun, but if I got some money and didn’t get hurt in the process, that was fine by me. Tonight I would be working a 5-9 shift meaning Pops would be by himself for at least 4 hours. His condition was getting better day by day but I still felt a bit uneasy leaving him alone, if I had the choice I would hire Janet 24/7 but we didn’t have that kind of money. Even if Janet said we didn’t have to pay her full salary, she still needed to make a living and I wasn’t going to be the one responsible for her struggling.

As I was walking, a sleek matte black corvette flew past me. That just so happened to be my dream car. However, the driver did not seem to see me or the large puddle on the side of the street and while speeding by, they ended up splashing dirty water all over me. Now I was reminded of how poor I was while being soaked from head to toe, great. I was only five minutes away from home so I tried to quicken my pace in order to avoid any embarrassing encounters. Not like anyone was going out of their way to find me and talk to me anyways.

 I ran inside my house, running up the stairs and locking myself in my room. My room was my safe haven; here I was able to be myself without being judged. It was a decent size, not to big, but just big enough to fit a twin size bed up against one wall. The best part about my room was my bookshelf and my reading bench. The bookshelf contained about 300 books by some of my most favourite authors. Most of them were positive inspiring novels, or your cheeky romance novel. What can I say; I loved a book that had a better reality than the one I was living. My reading bench was attached to the window which looked across our flower filled backyard.

My dad had a knack for gardening, weird I know. But he knew the perfect time to plant flowers so they would grow into marvelous beautiful plants. That’s why my view from my window was so breathtaking. These were the things that weren’t taken from me when everything started to go downhill and for that I was extremely thankful.

“Sophia, is that you?” I heard Janet calling from somewhere downstairs.

“I’ll be down in a minute”, I responded back, while quickly ripping off the dirty clothes and pulling on some sweats and a loose fitting t-shirt. The stench of the dirty water was still present. A shower would just have to wait.

Walking back downstairs I could smell something delicious. The smell happened to be coming from the kitchen where I found Janet at the stove and dad sitting at the counter reviewing some documents, probably more medical bills.

“Hey Janet, hey Pops” I kissed my father on the cheek and went to stand by Janet to see what she was cooking. “Mmm, that looks good”

“Thanks, I decided since today is such a special day I would make one of my special dishes, chicken fettuccini with my secret recipe caeser salad”. My mouth started watering while Janet was talking; I’m a sucker for good food.

“Wait, why is today so special? What’s going on? It’s just another Monday and I’m pretty sure it’s no one’s birthday” I looked to Janet, but she turned away continuing what she was doing, weird.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2013 ⏰

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