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Sometimes I just really hate the system. I'm sure you think I mean the system of the world but no... I mean the Rare Improved and Advanced Race(R.I.A.R) also known as my world or in this case...the world.Yeah not the one you read in the history books.

The world has really changed since -according to what I read in the history books -the third World War of 2019, for the better or for worse is not something that I would know... I wasn't really born then, I was born in 2034 on the 28th of February

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The last world was ruled by one man, Donald was it? Yeah whatever his name was he's in the past now this, this is the future. This is 2054 and we are governed by 10 superiors called the PROGUES. They are the creators and rulers of the system.In this world,there are strict rules and regulations set to keep the system running.

In every family there are two children, a boy and a girl...this was put in place to avoid overpopulation. The PROGUES also instructed that in order for the dependency ratio of the population to be reduced they created a way that people who are at the age of 80years would be...DISPOSED.

You obviously do not know what I am talking about so let me elaborate. This RIAR community is filled with many new technologies and technologists that are strictly male products and ideas-coming to why-they have created nanobytes that are genetically engineered to every old citizen who is to be put down. Once the citizen gets to the age of 80 they are sent a letter from an unknown location which is filled with nanobytes that are programmed to the DNA,blood type,mental processions etc of the person they are sent to.

When these letters are opened the nanobytes are spread into the atmosphere in which they search out their victim and with immediate efficiency and undetectable speed these nanobytes enter into the blood stream through any possible hole on the body-sweat pores not excluded and get into the blood stream. They poison the body quickly from the inside and show no evidence of their presence in the body.It is also very uncommon that it shows signs of its presence the only sign that it can possibly show - which even happens rarely is a nose bleed.

The nanobytes ensure that they leave the body lifeless because it is the body that gives them their life and once the system is down the nanobytes then self destruct leaving no trail of themselves in the body. It is so effective that even the citizen - who are probably stupid for thinking that all the old people just coincidentally die out of natural causes AT 80 ALL THE TIME-dont get the process. This is probably because the nanobytes leave no trace of ever being in the blood stream(the highest symptom is nose a nose bleed which is not common) allowing the citizens to assume whatever they want but to me normal anyways I never believed because it was quite suspicious...I always hated the system, being a feminist and all(hair flip). Back to my speech...The male and female children where then inputted into a system at the age of 6 for the female and 11 for the male. This system has 8 stages two years for each to be completed meaning that the males would be 27 and the females 22(here comes the part I hate the most) the system was very sexist in the sense that females were taught home duties- care of the home,cooking classes to make different varieties of meals,home planning- when you get to the fifth year they begin to teach you baby care,ante and prenatal stuff which means that the highest stage in the female academics is English.

Now the males were taught maths, geography, geometry,English, physics,chemistry and so many other subjects which they were graded on to get their final collated result at the end of their time in the system but I didn't really miss anything because of Jesse-my bestest friend in the whole wide world who I threatened into teaching me all the boys usually learn😌- so now i am almost as educated as they other guy which is quite a good start. All this boils down to the worst conclusion that at the end of the program there will be two ceremonies that will or that must occur- the first is for the males like their graduation into the world the system then puts together their final results and awards them with all the qualifications they need to start their lives like a home(which varies in size according to the grade of the result) a job which has the same qualifications as the home, vehicles also have the same qualifications as the home and job you know what let's just say your score determines if you are super rich, rich, mediocre or just comfortable. You might ask what is so wrong with this ceremony and I will say I don't even care about this ceremony I care about the second ceremony which involves the girls too. This ceremony always comes after the first all the males come to this ceremony after the first one(they really have to so no one ever bails).

During this ceremony the males are seated in the audience and the females are forces to dress in the least clothes possible and stand on the stage in alphabetical order while the host moves one by one from a-z placing prices on the girls according to their outward appearances- if the girl has it the bid starts higher around 50 to 80 (yes I said bid because it is an auction) and if the girl don't got it then the bid starts quite low around a thousand to ten thousand zets(a currency we started using after the world changed which is way higher in value than the old days dollar)...

I was always sure that I would die before my auction but I guess I was too healthy(curse you good eating habits) and now the worst day of my life which will begin the end of my happiness forever is here...

Hey guys hope you are really enjoying the story please comment on any way you think I can make it better...also tell your friends so they can tell their friends and tell their friends and you know how it goes...

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