25. My Pronkertjie

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"if you love someone, let them go. if they return to you, it was meant to be. if they don't, their love was never yours to begin with." ~ Anonymous

Tsholofelo Mofokeng.

"I have been warning you but you don't listen." Thembi said giving me the i told you so pep talk.

"Okay, just because he was talking to some white girl it doesn't mean anything." I told her as I continue washing the dishes. I said this confidently not because I think I'm special or anything like that, no. I said it because I know he is engaged so even if he doesn't do it for me, i knew he will do it for his fiancée.

He is already cheating with you though, once a cheater always a cheater.

I don't care ; I told myself.

"It's a good thing you said 'White girl'..." Thembi mumbled. She was clearly enjoying this. I felt like I could just slap that smack off her face. I knew she just wanted Leo all to herself. Her full comments were unnecessary and clearly not appreciated. I don't know why i was acting so cold maybe it's jealousy.

I'm not jealous.

"Stop putting things in my head." I warned her. I wasn't even going to tell her that Leo was an engaged man because she would just rub it in my face every channel she gets.

Thembi gave me a suspicious look as she pursed her lips ; I rolled my eyes thanking God that she was having the night off.

"They did look kind of good together." Thembi mumbled. I immediately grabbed the dish towel beside me and started hitting her playfully and she laughed loudly making me even more annoyed  Infact I wasn't even annoyed anymore ; I just laughed a her stupidity.

"I see you enjoy acting like animals, i mean you are monkeys." A dominating voice interrupted making all the laughter die out. I turned around and saw Meneer Niemack. I thought all the guests had left well clearly not.

"Is there anything I can help you with baas ?" I asked him trying my best to sound polite. Thembi suddenly became rigid as if she had seen a ghost. I had never seen her act this way.

"Nie (no). Just checking on Thembi here, i see you enjoy working with Johan." He hissed scratching his scruffy beard.

"Uh j-j-j-a" Thembi stuttered.

"Johan said Felo should come to the pool." He added and I felt Thembi shiver under his stare, i had never seen her like this.

"Uhm okay Meneer." I said about to leave but Thembi pinched me and I tried not to flinch under Mr. Niemack's stare. He was 6ft tall and had scratchy brown unshaven beard with brown messy locks. The only thing I knew was he was Thembi's old boss before she started working here, no wonder she was nervous.

"Get going kaefer." He almost yelled but Thembi was holding onto me like her life depended on me. I gave her an assuring smile then walked away, i swear I heard her whimper when I did. I didn't leave the kitchen completely I waited on the corner watching his every move intently.

He walked towards Thembi backing her up onto the kitchen island.

"I missed you my pronkertjie." He licked her cheek and I whimpered. "You thought I wouldn't find you Thembi my sweet patatta." He chuckled.

My heart skipped a bit, i was shocked. What could he possibly want from her ? I thought to myself.

"My pronkertjie." He said touching Thembi is despicable ways. "I want you to go wait for me in your little room at the back remove jou onderbroek (your panties) just like the good old days."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25, 2018 ⏰

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