22. Hide my Sausage

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"Love does not begin and end the way we seem to think it does. Love is a battle, Love is a war; love is growing up." ~ James A. Baldwin

Tsholofelo Mofokeng.

I woke up earlier well feeling a little happier. Things happened last night, that made me think I just want now never mind forever or the future.

"Hey, Tsholo." Thembi greeted me already dressed in her uniform. See seemed to be in the red.

"Morning Thembi, i already served breakfast and the chores are already done." I said folding the dish towel and facing her.

"Where did you sleep last night ?" She whispered folding her arms. I wasn't going to tell her that well maybe i might have been riding my bosses nephew or maybe he had me on four. I had to think of something fast...

"I slept on the couch, you know back home we never see those television sets because they are expensive so when everyone was asleep... I thought I would have a look." I explained, Whoah where did that lie come from ?

"What was playing that was so interesting ?" She asked.

"Well - Uh - you know the ANC is still in exile..." I stuttered.

"Every black person knows that." Thembi replied sarcastically.

"No- yes- every black person know that yes but but but do they know that they are in Zambia huh ?" I said nodding my head.

"You mean Angola ?" She shook her head hiding a small smile.

"Zambia, Angola, Zimbabwe you know these places can be confusing." I laughed.

"Well anyways next time you and Mr. Le roux decide you want to play hide my sausage atleast think of a better excuse." She gave me a knowing look. I was caught off guard more like flabbergasted, dumbfounded, thrown for a loop whatever English word or expression that could explain the way I was feeling at that very moment.

"Thembi-" i was about to explain when she put her hand on my shoulder.

"You know all the things I say, I'm joking half of the time right ?" She asked and I nodded.

"When I said he was hot and I wouldn't mind jumping that well I didn't mean it in the literal sense okay ?"

"No no no I know that, it's just it just happened." I explained wincing a little because I was scared for some reason.

"You are like a sister to me Tsholo and I don't want to see this end you because it will end you and not him." She made clear.

"Yes but... I like it, i mean I like him." I said fumbling with my fingers.

"Is it good ?" She asked giving me a quirky smile.

"It's soooooooo good." I mumbled remembering the previous night.

"That's not the point just be careful okay because if I was you i would end it before it ends me." She said giving me the knowing look.

"I know, he is going to leave in three months and we won't ever see each other again. It's just fun." I said the last part under my breath because even if it was coming from my own mouth it hurt.

"Good." She gave me a pat on my shoulder.

"So you won't tell-" i sighed with relief.

"Why would I ? I care about you Tsholo like my own sister. I just don't want him taking advantage of you that's all." She pulled me in for a hug and I felt at ease.

"Trust me, he isn't." I smiled genuinely for the first time in a while. It made me remember all the events that had happened the night before.


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