Start from the beginning

"Good to know that," he responded but his face was in deep thought.

"And you Sir, may I know who you are?" I asked.

"Oh I'm Alesier Jammang. I'm one of Mr. Trest assistant auditors," he introduced.

"Okay Mr. Al, can I have Mr. Trest email ad?" I asked politely.

"Sure," he said, getting away from me to get a paper and a pen. He wrote on it and then gave it to me.

I hold it and read it.


"Is this his personal number?"

"No, that's mine," he answered shyly.

Why would he placed his number.

"I want you to give me a call first next time you come to this office. So I can confirm to you if Mr. Trest is here or not," he reasoned out.

"I don't understand," I said.

Then he began to chuckle.

"You are one slow thinker," he teased.

"What?" I asked, feeling puzzled.

"Nothing, hey want me to escort you to wherever it is you're going to hand that last folder?" he suggested.

"No thanks, I know where I'm going," I told him.

Okay, I really don't like this Alesier guy. I think he was or is trying to flirt with me. Gosh, such a total turn – off. What he just met me few minutes and is already so full of himself.

"Yes but I still insist. I've been working here for 10 years. I am the best man to show you around," he said.

I just shrugged my shoulders and made way for the door but Alesier opened it for me.

"Thank you," I said and hated myself for saying it as soon as I saw him smile and smirk.

"You're welcome," he said confidently.

So we walked and he started saying bits and pieces about Writeworthy Inc. He would joke every now and then until I mentally told myself that maybe Alesier is just a flirty friendly funny fellow but does not have any bad intentions whatsoever.

Upon reaching the VP office and giving the necessary file, I headed out of it only to see Alesier seated on the couch. He rose up and smiled at me.

"Where to next?" he asked.

As soon as he said that, Mr. Ismael Bara, the Vice President, got out of his office. Then he looked at me then at Alesier.

"Good afternoon Sir," Alesier said.

"Oh Al you're here," Mr. Bara said.

"Yes Sir, I was just accompanying her around," he reasoned out.

Mr. Bara frowned at this then looked at me pointedly as if he was angry.

"Isaac just called to tell me to tell you that you are needed at his office right now, ASAP," he said.

"Right away Sir," I said and hurriedly left the two men.

Something about Mr. Bara's tone told me that my boss maybe pissed off as I was taking too long.


Isaac's POV

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