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** DOUBLE UPDATE AND DA END YO! Both the last two chapters were short so I decided to double post. Dedicated to 1dwilderness casue shes awesomesauce. PLEASE VOTE AND COMMENT!***


It had been a month since Harry came to New York to get me back. We had spent the whole day after he arrived talking, him trying to convince me to move to London, and me trying to say I needed time.  In the end I realised that I didn’t have a lot of time, it was either move in with him, or find a roommate since Kat and her boyfriend were going to move in together at the end of the month. 

I was happy for her, but also worried about my own future with Harry. He helped me get a decent job as an apprentice for a well known London based photographer.  He assured me that most of it had to do with my portfolio rather than the fact that she was a friend of his, saying that no matter how good of friends they were, she wouldn’t take me on if I was really bad.  I was excited and nervous  as I packed up the last of my things. I had a few boxes of stuff left for the movers to pick up and take off to be shipped to the flat in London. Harry said it was temporary and that once we got home we would look for a nice house.

I hugged Kat goodbye at the airport, both of us crying. “promise me you and that boyfriend of yours will come visit soon.” I said and she nodded. “we will. I’ll miss you” she said as she hugged me once more. “It’s time to go love” Harry said, wrapping an arm around my waist and pulling me close. I looked up at him and smiled. “How was I ever so stupid to try and give you up?” I asked with a sigh, the smile still on my lips. “I don’t know love, but I’m glad I didn’t let you” He said, kissing the top of my head as we handed over our flight passes and passports to the woman at the gate. She smiled at us as she handed them back and we boarded our flight. “Haz” I said as we took our seats and I nuzzled into him. “yea babe?” “For the first time in a long time I’m not afraid. I’m happy” I said. He smiled at me and kissed me softly.

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