Chapter 15

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The text had said he was at a bar in a really shitty area of the city, known for muggings, stabbings and worse. It couldn’t have been more perfect if I had planned it. No one would suspect that clean cut good guys One Direction would ever be in this part of town, let alone beat the shit out of some seemingly random guy.  They had also sent a picture of the guy, which I was thankful for. I walked over to one of the prettier looking hookers “What’ll be tonight sweety” She purred at me and I had to hide my disgust. “I will pay you $1000 cash if you go into that bar, flirt with this guy and bring him to the alley. Also, you never saw us.” I said. She looked like she was thinking it over. “Two grand and you got a deal baby” She said. “fine” I growled and she smirked at me before heading into the bar. I was impressed when she came out with him ten minutes later. He looked shocked when he saw us, and I knew he was trying to figure out a way to get out of the situation he now found himself in, but there was no way he would get past all five of us. The whore walked over to us and I handed her the cash. “Remember….” I started to say before she cut me off. “I never saw you” she said with a smirk before walking out of the alley.

The lads and I walked closer to the scum bag who had hurt Autumn. “well well well, looks like we found the piece of shit who thought he could hurt our girl.” I growled. The guy laughed. “you think I’m scared of you? Please. I spent two years in jail, I think I can take five scrawny boy band members.”  It was Liam who spoke up first. “Mate, you really are stupid. We have the best trainers in the business, three of us take boxing lessons regularily. Not to mention our body guards have taught us all self defence.” He said. I don’t think I had ever heard Liam sound or look so menacing. “Are you boys really ready to go to prison over that whore? C’mon guys you honestly don’t think I’ll tell the cops who  beat me up?” he sneered. This time I didn’t waist time, I punched him square in the jaw. “ Who do you think they will believe?” I said, hitting him again. “It’s eight against one” I said, hitting him in the gut this time. “There’s only five of you” he coughed out, and I hit him again. “her best friend, a nurse and a pap” I said, hitting him for each person I listed. “Wow that little whore has got you wrapped buddy” he said as he spat out a mouth full of blood. Before I could react, Louis was on him. All I could do was stand there in shock as my best mate slammed the guy to the ground, landing on top of him and started hitting him in the face. “That’s for the last time you beat her” he said, hitting him full in the face. “That’s for last night” he said, hitting him again. I heard the crack of bone and hoped it was the guys nose. “and this, this is for every other time you have laid one of your fucking filthy hands on her” he said, as he hit him again and again.

I had never seen Louis so angry. “Lou” I called out to him, and he didn’t seem to hear me. “Lou stop! He’s had enough!” I shouted. I didn’t want him to kill the guy, I knew he wouldn’t be able to live with that. “I’ll let him know when he’s had enough!” Louis screamed. Liam and I rushed towards him and pulled him off of the guy. “If you ever go near her again I will send someone much worse after you.” I spat at him before kicking him hard in the side. He coughed and rolled over, doubled up on himself. I walked past the other lads, knowing if I stayed I would do more. I pulled out my phone to text john the time he needed to put on his pictures when the idiot yelled at me. “Too bad I didn’t have time to fuck that dirty cunt of hers before I beat her. I should have.” I turned around  just in time to see Zayn walk over and kick him in the face as he was trying to get up. “Say one more fucking word. I dare you.” I heard Zayn growl.  The guy moaned and Zayn walked away.  We were at the end of the ally when he called out the last words he would probably ever say for a while. “Hey, blondie! Maybe I’ll pay a visit to your girl.” He sneered, his face swollen and bloodied. Niall lost it, he sprinted at him before any of us could grab him, picked him up and slammed him against the wall so hard we could hear his skull hitting the wall. Niall managed to slam him against the wall one more time before Zayn pulled him off. He slumped to the ground unconscious.  I looked to Niall and cringed slightly. I had never seen so much rage and hatred in his eyes. He was normally full of light and happiness.

I texted John and gave him the time frame and we caught a cab back to the hospital. The nurse who was keeping watch on Autumn handed Louis and I ice packs for our hands. “it will stop them from bruising. And as far as I’m concerned you were here all night, except for the fifteen minutes where you left to get good coffee.” She said before walking off.  I walked into Autumns room and pulled a chair up to the other side of the bed. Kat was passed out on the huge chair and her mom was still awake, watching her. “He won’t ever touch her again. We’ve made sure of that.” I said to her mom. She looked up and her eyes met mine, wide and full of shock. “What did you do?” She asked. “Nothing that can ever be traced back to us, plus who would believe him over us?” I said, she just nodded and turned her attention back to Autumn.

We both sat in silence for the rest of the night. The boys would come in every now and then to see how she was. We were still awake when Lexi came in with Niall. I could tell she had been crying and Niall had a tight and possessive hold on her. I gave him a small, tired smile, which he returned. Early in the evening the doctor came in and took the tube out of her throat,  saying they could lower the sedative and allow her to wake up. I told her mom to get some sleep in the big chair and that  I would wake her up when Autumn woke up. A few hours later I had dozed off and was woken up by a soft groan. I sat up quickly and brushed the hair out of  Autumns face. Her eye that wasn’t swollen shut opened slowly and she looked at me. “Harry?” She said, her voice soft and hoarse from the tube. “Shh baby I’m here. So’s your mum.” I said, stroking her hair. She chocked out a sob and I crawled into the tiny bed and pulled her close as she buried her face in my chest and sobbed.

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