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 I had gone out  with a few of my friends, I knew it was a bad idea, and I knew he would be pissed when I got home, but I needed a life. I couldn’t spend all my time with him, doing what he wanted, living in fear of what would happen if I made him angry. He was waiting for me when I got back, already through half a case of beer. When I met him I was in my senior year of high school. He was this hot older bad boy, piercings, tattoos the works. And he was hot, like punk Ryan Gosling hot. I was surprised when he showed interest in me. He was so sweet and caring, and there was a passion between us that I loved. Things didn’t change until I moved into the city with him after graduation. That’s when his true colours started to show.

“Well well well , looks like the little whore decided to come home tonight” He spat at me as I walked into our tiny one bedroom apartment. “I texted you and told you I was with the girls babe, we just went to see a movie” I said, trying my best to keep my voice soft. “I told you I don’t like the girls you spend time with. They are all sluts who try and take you away from me.” He said, getting up off the couch and walking towards me. “And you’re mine” He said, stroking my cheek. I couldn’t help the shudder that passed through my body and he noticed it, anger flashing in his eyes “What does my touch repulse you?” He said. “N-no it was just a chill. You know I love you” I said. The slap that followed stung, and I clutched my face in my hands, tears welling  up in my eyes “Ungrateful cunt.” He said, punching me in the stomach this time.  I doubled over and fell to the floor and he kicked me. 

I don’t know how long it lasted, and I don’t remember how I managed to crawl away but I soon found myself lying on the bathroom floor with my phone. “Open the fucking door you little bitch!” I could hear him yell from the other side of the locked door. I knew this time if I let him in he would kill me.  I hit my phone and pressed the quick call number for my mom. “Hi sweety” I could faintly hear her voice. I tried to speak but it was hard to breath “Sweety? Hello? Autumn are you there? Autumn you’re scaring me talk to me” I could tell her voice was getting frantic. “Help” I managed to squeak out before the world started going black.

I woke up in the hospital. Lucky for me my mom had heard me, hung up and called the police. They found me unconscious and close to death from the beating I had received from my boyfriend, or ex boyfriend I should say.  I pressed charges, he was convicted and I was safe. Or so I thought.

** Regular updates will begin once Little While Lies is done **

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