Chapter 9

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We ended up watching another movie after the crappy horror one, this one was some stupid comedy that I couldn’t really get into. After it was done it was about midnight and the other boys decided to go home. I took the opportunity to give each of them a hug, earning surprised looks from everyone. I sighed when I was done hugging Harry. It had been hard to hug all 4 boys, but it didn’t kill me and I was proud of myself. “I’m so proud of you” Lexi whispered in my ear as she gave me a hug. I whispered my thanks back to her just before she pulled away and left with Niall, who was smiling softly at both of us.

Kat had offered to drive Eleanor home since the girl had a bit to drink  and so did Louis. “Will you be okay here alone tonight?” She asked me. “I’m not alone, Louis here” I said and she nodded. “El said she would drive me home in the morning.” She said and I just nodded at her before she left with the slightly drunk girl. We had all be drinking a bit that night, but Kat had only had two beers the whole night so she was sober enough to drive.  After everyone was gone I said goodnight to Louis, giving him a hug as well and changed into my pyjamas and went to bed

“well well well look what we have here. You think I wouldn’t be able to find you? You stupid little bitch, I’ll always find you” He sneered at me. I tried to run away but I couldn’t move, tried to scream but no sound came out. I just stood there frozen, my mouth hanging open as he walked towards me, his cold blue eyes staring at me. “Looks like I’m going to have to teach you a lesson again” He said, smiling cruelly at me as he took a step forward, grabbing both of my arms. It was then that I found my voice and started screaming. “No please let me go! Don’t touch me let me go!” I screamed. “Autumn” I heard him say, his voice laced with malice as he started to shake me.


“Autum, Autumn wake up!” I heard a new voice say, strong arms were wrapped around me and I was thrashing in them, screaming to be let go but the arms just held me tighter “For the love of god Autumn wake up!” the voice yelled, and I listened, opening my eyes, tears streaming down my face. I looked around and saw Louis holding me, fear and concern on his face as well as what looked like a bruised cheek. “Louis?” I choked out “Yes love it’s just me” he said softly and I burst into tears, burying my head into his chest as he held me closer. “Shhh it’s okay. It’s alright you’re safe” he said as he rocked back and forth, stroking my hair and back softly. We stayed like that for a few minutes before I pulled away, trying to wipe the tears off my face. “Lou, I’m sorry” I mumbled “For what? Screaming like you were being murdered or punching me in the face?” He said with  a soft chuckle. “Both” I mumbled and he just pulled me close again. “It’s alright love, but you wanna tell me what the dream was about?” he asked. “My ex boyfriend. He used to beat me. One night he beat me so bad that I almost died. I was lucky and I got away and called my mom who called the cops. He’s in jail now” the words spilled out of my mouth before I could stop them and I let out a startled sound, my hand flying to my mouth. I hadn’t told anyone what happened, and now in my still half asleep and emotional state I had just told Louis. I tried to pull away from him but he wouldn’t let go. “Louis please let go” I said, starting to panic slightly. He let go and I pulled away, scooting back on the bed, away from him.  He looked at me, and I could see hurt in his eyes, and anger. No pitty, just those two emotions. “Babe I am so sorry. No one should ever have to go through that.” He said. “Please don’t say anything to anyone else. I haven’t told anyone, and I didn’t really mean to tell you. It just slipped out” I said, my voice cracking. “I won’t say a word love” he said, offering me a warm smile. I nodded weakly. “Could….. could you stay with me until I fall asleep? I don’t feel safe” I said, a few new tears spilling from my eyes. “of course” he said and I moved over so he could lay beside me. He wrapped his arms around as he laid down beside me and I drifted back into a dreamless sleep.

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