Chapter 10

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I woke up the next day, alone and with my head feeling like it had been stuck under a truck. I got up and went to the bathroom and was about to go back to bed when I heard voices in the hall outside my door. “well what am I supposed to think when you come out of our room in just your boxers?” It was kat. I pressed my ear to the door to hear more. “She had a nightmare, she was screaming and flailing about, she even punched me in the face when I tried to wake her up. Once she was awake and calm she asked me to stay with her until she fell asleep because she didn’t feel safe. I ended up passing out and just woke up now.” I could hear them both sigh. “She has really bad nightmares a lot. She never tells me what they are about but she’s always screaming to be let go. She hit me too the first time I tried to wake her up, I got a black eye.” I could hear Kat telling Louis. “Did she tell you what it was about?” She asked him and I could feel my heart stop. “No she wouldn’t say. All she said was that she was scared and didn’t want to be alone” Louis lied. I let out a sigh of relief and went to crawl back into my bed.

A few moments later I heard Kat open the door. She walked through the room and sat on my bed and rubbed my back. “Autumn” She said softly. I murmured, faking just waking up and turned around to look at her. “Hey Kat.” I said, giving her a small smile. “Hey babe how are you feeling?” She asked. “Better. I take it Louis told you?” I asked, even though I already knew the answer. “yea he did, though I almost killed him when he walked out in just his underwear and that bruise on his face.” She said with a small chuckle. “Does it look really bad? I feel so bad for it” I said, looking down. “Don’t feel bad love I’ll live.” I looked up and saw Louis standing in the door way, a soft smile on his face. His right cheek was swollen and there was a bruise there. “Oh Lou I’m so sorry” I said, my voice cracking as tears threatened to fall again. “It’s alright love. I’m just glad you’re okay, though explaining this to the lads is gonna get me teased a bit. Being hit by a girl and all.” He said, flashing me a teasing smile.  I just laughed at him and shook my head. “I’ll leave you two alone so you can get dressed.” He said before walking out the door, shutting it behind him.

“I’m going to have a shower” Kat said, standing up. I nodded and she walked into our bathroom, shutting the door. I pulled out a pair of black skinny jeans, a tank top  and a grey oversized hoodie. I really didn’t have a reason to dress fancy today. I brushed my hair  and pulled out a small mirror to apply my eyeliner and mascara.  Once done with my usual simple make up I headed out to the other room. I poured myself a bowl of cereal and joined Louis on the couch. “Thanks for not telling her.” I said, leaning into him slightly before shoving a spoonful of lucky charms in my mouth. “I promised you I wouldn’t tell anyone. I keep my promises” He said, giving  my knee a  gentle squeeze.

A little while later Kat came out of the room dressed in jeans and a shirt that was way too girly for my tastes. She grabbed her own bowl of lucky charms and sat in a chair. We spent the morning watching cartoons like the mature adults we were. “So tomorrow night we are having a party for your last night here. Liam made arrangements with Funky Buddha  for us to host it there.” Louis said. “you guys don’t have to throw us a party” Kat said, even though I knew she was thrilled at the prospect of a party with London’s A-listers. I, on the other hand, was not much of a party person, but I wouldn’t  say anything since I know Liam had worked hard to plan something fun for us.  I was about to say something when my phone buzzed. I pulled it out and looked at it. It was a text from Harry “Morning beautiful. I was wondering if you fancied going out to dinner with me tonight? Nothing fancy or anything, just a casual dinner, maybe a walk after?”  I smiled at the text and told him I would love to.  I got a text back asking if 5 was okay and I told him it was.  “Hot date with haz?” Louis asked me and I smacked his arm playfully. “Not a hot date but yes I am spending some time with Harry tonight.” I chuckled as Louis pouted at me. “That hurt.” He said and I just laughed more.

I spent the day hanging out with Kat, Louis, Lexi and Niall. Zayn had gone off to get Perrie who was back for a few days on break, and Harry had said him and Liam were having a lads day, whatever that meant.  Around 4 the everyone left, Louis to go pick up Eleanor for the party tomorrow, Niall went to go hang out with Liam and Harry before Harry and I went out, and Lexi and Kat decided to go shopping.  I took the hour to have a shower and put on some jeans and a t-shit that had the killer bunny from Monty Python on it.

Harry was on time as he usually is and I decided to greet him with a hug. “Well hello to you too” he said, and I looked up at him with a shy smile.  He took my hand cautiously and I let him, noticing the smile that seemed to get bigger on his face.  I soon found out that the place we were going to  was close enough to walk to, and a few minuets later we were sitting inside a small little café  tucked in a corner somewhere with tea and one of the best sandwiches I had ever had.  “So how did you find this place?” I asked after we had finished eating. “I went out to explore shortly after the lads and I got our flats. Its kind of my secret place, the lads know about it obviously but that’s pretty much it.” He said, taking a sip of his tea. “well it’s nice to have a place to go that the fans don’t know about. I’m surprised we haven’t been spotted yet” I said with a soft chuckle “Well I’ve been really careful about where we go. I don’t want you to have to deal with that, all the hate and rumors. Despite what most people think I’m pretty private, and anytime I am photographed with someone it’s because I’m playing decoy for the other lads so they can have a quiet night with their girls.” He says with a small smile and I can’t help but smile back at him. This was a side to Harry no one outside is fairly small inner circle knew. Most saw the Harry Styles who was out with a different girl each week, and I was starting to realize that  that Harry was not the real one. The one in the beanie sipping tea in a little unknown place that was hard to find was. The boy who went out of his way to make me feel comfortable, despite what his own desires may be. It made me feel a bit sad for him that the world had such a horrible view of him. “I wish more people knew the type of guy you were really like.” I said and he just smiled. “I haven’t hidden it, they just don’t want to believe it. It’s much more interesting if I’m some playboy superstar then your average 20 year old guy spending time with friends.” He says and I just nod. I understood where he was coming from.

After we were done with our drinks he took me for a walk in a near by park.  It was chilly since it was winter and there weren’t many people around, but it was perfect for me.  I held his hand as we walked and let him entwine his fingers with mine. The small touches were getting easy to handle with him, and I couldn’t deny the happiness I felt.  I wasn’t just letting Harry in, I was letting all of the boys in, and it felt good to have a group a friends I was so close with. I wasn’t ready to tell anyone else what had happened, and I probably wouldn’t ever be, but for the first time in a long time I was truly happy.

As it started to get dark we walked back to the building. I gave Harry a hug goodbye and assured him I would see him tomorrow at mine and Kats going away party. As I closed the door behind me I saw Eleanor and Louis cuddled on the couch watching tv. She turned and waved at me, and I returned her wave with a smile before heading to the room Kat and I shared.  I decided to read for a few hours before Kat got back and we both decided to get a good nights sleep since we both knew we wouldn’t be sleeping much the next night.

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