'Wow... Uraraka isn't looking so... well... Uraraka...'

A few minutes later.

As I was at the cafeteria waiting for my usual lunch buddy to show up, I was joined by Ashido, Tsuyu, and Hagakure. We all greeted one another as they placed their trays on the table and sat down. Normally I would've felt a little uncomfortable sitting with people I rarely talk to, but something about them made me feel comfortable.

We also got to know each other a bit more too. Turns out they were actually pretty chill too, just more energetic than Momo and Jirou. Mostly Ashido and Hagakure. Before I could take another bite of my food, Ashido said out of the blue:

"Hey! I have an idea! Why don't all the girls in class 1-A have a get together of some sort so we can get to know each other better!"

"Maybe not yet, Ashido. Remember we're still just meeting everyone and don't know much about one another, besides the things that we all told each other about already." Explained Tsuyu.

"Tsuyu's right. But maybe after we all fully trust each other we could?" I suggested.

"(Y/n), please just call me Tsu." Tsuyu reassured with a small grin.

"Aha, sorry about that. Tsu."

End of (y/n) POV

Another few short minutes went by and Todoroki still didn't show up. This made you wonder but you brushed it off as you started to continue talking to the three girls.

After lunch was over you headed back to class and walked by Izuku, who looked distraught. You stopped walking and turned around to call out his name.


"Oh, hey (y/n)." He simply replied.

"Is everything okay? You look like something is bothering you." You kindly asked.

"No, I'm fine. Just a little tired." He lied as he gave you a smile.

You knew that Izuku was lying, but since he seemed stressed out enough as is, you didn't bother trying to make him spit out information that he didn't want to.

"Ok. But hey, if you ever need someone to talk to, I'm here for you." You reassured.

"Thanks" was the last thing he said before turning back around and walking away. You felt somewhat worried about Izuku. To be honest, seeing him like that made you want to give him a hug and try to protect him at all costs since you still somewhat saw Izuku as a precious child, but doing that would've probably made him feel worse, so you didn't. Izuku was no longer the scared boy he was back in middle school. That was the very first thing you noticed about him when you first bumped into him on your way to U.A.

'I'm amazed at how far you've come Izuku. You used to be so scared of almost everything, but yet here you are in U.A., taking on challenges like a man... Your mother must've been proud when she found out that you made it to this school..... wait... why the heck am I starting to sound as if I'm a family member or his mentor or something??'

Izuku's POV

'The time I've got left as the symbol of peace is quickly running out...'

All Might's words kept on going through my mind. It was starting to annoy and worry me at the same time.

"All Might..." I mumbled to myself. As I continued walking to, I don't even know where... Then, I heard my name get called out. Well, my nickname.


I turned around immediately as I recognized the ruthless sounding voice.


He began to slowly walk towards me with his hands in his pockets and the usual scowl on his face while I stood there, expecting him to yell at me for no reason. To my surprise, he didn't. Well... not entirely anyway.

"What's with you and (y/n)?"

"Huh? What are you tal-"


"N-No seriously!! I don't know what you mean! She was just telling me that I could talk to her if I needed to, that's all!!"

Kacchan went silent before rolling his eyes and mumbling 'whatever' and walking away.

'Phew... I'm amazed I'm still alive...'

Katsuki's POV

'Shitty Deku... I should've known better than to ask him... What the fuck was she doing with Icy-hot the other day? Were they on a date?.... AGH! WHY THE FUCK SHOULD I CARE ABOUT WHAT THAT BITCH DOES!!'


Asdfghjklsiea I'm sorry for writing this so crappy, I didn't know what to do but I also wanted to update because I didn't want to keep you guys waiting anymore.
Edit: ALSO THANK YOU FOR 800 FOLLOWERS?!?! (Edit: aw, fetus author-chan.)
- Sierra

She's mine! - Izuku Midoriya, Shouto Todoroki, Katsuki Bakugou x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now