Start from the beginning

This time, Devin's elbow connected with his ribs. "Language, my friend."

"-flower," he said upon noticing the pairs of eyes aimed his way. He pointed in the direction of the cake set in the middle of the dining table. "That's such a lovely flower you have on your cake, Miya," he said to his goddaughter.

The little girl flashed him a cheeky grin, her red cheeks rising up like steamed buns. "Thank you, Uncle Clark. Mommy made it for me."

"Oh really? Your mommy is so lovely." He winked at Suki, who was teaching a group of little girls how to paint.

A rosy glow crept up her cheeks. "Thank you, Clark, but don't you think it's time you use that charm on someone other than me?"

"You mean like my little princess over here?" Clark swept Miya off her feet and spun her around.

Suki rolled her eyes. "You know what I mean."

Over the din of Miya's delighted squeals and the excited clamor of her friends, he met Suki's eyes. "It's because no one can live up to you, sweetie."

Suki brushed him off, while Devin rescued his daughter who was dangerously dangling in the air. He put the girl back in her seat next to her friends. "Seriously, dude, stop flirting with my wife and go find your own."

"Easier said than done. Just because an angel literally fell on your feet, doesn't mean it's going to happen to everyone."

Devin chuckled. "You're right. I got lucky, but I'm sure you'll find someone if you try. These days, you're not even trying."

"True..." Recently, instead of prowling the club scene like he used to do, he spent most of his time marking a groove on his couch. "Maybe I'm finally growing up?"

"It's high time you do. We're already in our mid-thirties." Devin threw a hand over his shoulder and guided him away from the kids. To Suki, he called, "We'll be back in a bit, baby."

Devin took him up to their second-level balcony, which featured a stunning view of the river glistening like a golden ribbon underneath the late afternoon light. Clark leaned against the glass railing and looked down. From that height, everyone might as well be ants rushing about in search of food.

He propped his chin against his hand and sighed. He was sure she was somewhere out there, too. Maybe he could go find her?

"So what's up, buddy?" Devin had taken up space beside him. He, too, was focused on the scenery below.

Not quite willing to talk, Clark laced his tone with nonchalance. "Nothing's up. I don't know why you're all up my ass today."

Devin faced him, a frown marring his forehead. "Give it up, Clark. I know you. There's something on your mind. You've been antsy since you arrived."

He kept his lips sealed.

"If you don't spill it, then I'm not going to lend you my new game console."

"What?" That got Clark's attention. He needed that console, or he was going to spend tonight wallowing in self-pity. "But you already promised to lend it to me."

Devin rubbed his jaw in thought. "Yeah, but it's mine, so I can change my mind."

"You're a childish twat, you know that?"

Devin scoffed. "And you need to have your mouth washed with bleach. Come on, tell me what's wrong before my wife starts wondering if I've thrown you over the balcony."

"As if you can." He crossed his arms and refused to give in. If Devin wasn't going to lend him the console, then he was going to buy himself one. It's not like he didn't have any money. He had tons.

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