Chapter 18: going back to EJ

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"Hey cheyanne welcome back"said mr.fausey looking at me when i walk in the doors."thanks mr.fausey i miss being here"said cheyanne looking at mr.fausey."hey cheyanne"said mia rissler."hey mia i am back from tour and  oww"said cheyanne holding her stomach in pain."oh my chey i can take u to the nuser office"said mia looking at her best friend."okay if u want to"said cheyanne looking around then heading to the nurses office.
At mrs. Ritzman office."what can i do for u mia"said mrs.ritzman looking at mia and not me."cheyanne said that her stomach hurts really bad"said mia looking at mrs.ritzman and mrs.ritzman looking at me."cheyanne what happpened to u"said mrs.ritzman looking at me."i was on tour with 1D and one of my friends hit me really hard and i got bruises from them"said cheyanne looking at the nurse."well cheyanne u can walk it off or stay here"said mrs.ritzman looking at me."i will walk it off and head to first period"said cheyanne getting her stuff and heading to mrs.fryers class and when she walked in every body was looking at her."hey guys i'm back"said cheyanne given alleah a hug and she started to cry."ally i am here and don't need to cry"said cheyanne looking at alleah."chey i miss u what happened to u"said alleah looking at her friend and take her to her other friends."i will tell u guys later"said cheyanne hugging dylan Phillips."hey chey i guess u were on tour and haven't gone to school 'cause u were in the hospital because someone hit u right?"said dylan looking at me."right but how do u know that"said cheyanne looking at dylan and dakota speak up."it was on the news,chey"said dakota and landyn didn't even say anything to me yet."okay thanks dakota"said cheyanne looking at dakota and then landyn and wyatt came up to her and give her a hug."hey chey, me and landyn miss u"said wyatt speaking for the both of them."thanks guys and i miss u guys too"said cheyanne looking at landyn."hey chey how was tour and everything else"said landyn looking at me."it was fun and i get to spend time with them and my cousin james corden"said cheyanne making a smile at landyn and turning her head back to mrs.fryer."cheyanne u can walk around the school if u want"said mrs.fryer looking at me."thanks"said cheyanne closing the door behind her."hey chey welcome back"said trent watts looking at cheyanne."thanks trent and good luck tonight at ur game tonight"said cheyanne looking at trent smiling and he smiled back at her."thanks chey"said trent looking at cheyanne."hey cheyanne and trent"said mason hambright looking at me and trent."hey mason"said cheyanne and trent at the same time and cheyanne walked away to go somewhere."wow cheyanne is back from her tour with one direction and magcon and seeing her cousin james corden and woah she is hot wow"said trent looking at mason then back at me."go ask her out man"said mason looking at trent."maybe i will"said trent looking for cheyanne and he can't find her.
At b lunch"hey cheyanne"said devlin synder looking at me."hey devlin and how are u doing"said cheyanne looking at devlin and back at logan wagner."do u like logan wagner chey"said dylan looking at me."um no it's just i never see him or his friends"said cheyanne and logan,daniel,and evan coming over to me."hey cheyanne how was tour for u"said logan and then tyler wileman is over here too."it was good logan and why are u guys over here"said cheyanne looking at tyler wileman and the other boys."we just want to say hi and glad that u are back"said evan looking at me."okay"said cheyanne and the bell rang for 5th period.
At mrs.rygels class"welcome back cheyanne we just started on a prodject about a music star or any other stars too"said mrs.rygel looking at me along with cy and levi too."do i have to do it or not"said cheyanne looking at mrs.rygel."nope u don't"said mrs.rygel looking at me."cool"said cheyanne looking at landyn,levi, and cy for a second."hey chey how was tour"said cy looking at me."good cy and i was in a hospital because i was hit by a truck and i was in a coma for a couple of weeks"said cheyanne looking at cy and everybody gave cheyanne a hug and some of the boys gave me a kiss on the cheek.

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