Chapter 13: a car crash

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I was listening to music on my raido and i was trying to pick a different station and then i was hit by a truck.
At james house"guys where is cheyanne at?"asked zayn."zayn we have no idea"said liam and then the phone rang and james got it."hello is this cheyanne chambers cousin name james corden"said the nurse."uh yes it is"said james into the phone."well cheyanne was hurt in a truck accident and now we are taking her to the hospital right now"said the doctor over the phone."thanks doc and we will come right now"said james into the phone."alright see ya soon"said doctor over the phone and then the doctor hung up."is cheyanne going to be okay"said niall and then james has tears in his eyes for the first time."i have no idea niall but we need to go to the hospital quickly"said james and then he put liam,niall,harry,louis, and zayn in his car and now they are off to the hospital.
At the hospital "cheyanne has to be in a coma for a couple of days and would one of u like to stay here with her for tonight"asked the doctor looking at one of the boys."i will doc"said zayn looking at the doctor."good see ya and get me when she is up"said doctor and he left cheyanne's room and then liam and niall was crying along with james and harry but zayn and louis is still here not crying.
It was next week and cheyanne is still not up."chey plz get up me and liam is very sorry for hurting u and i get it if u are still mad at us and liam is at home trying to get some sleep bc he wants to see u chey plz get up, plz babe get up"said zayn kissing cheyanne's head and then cheyanne was up from that"what happened to me"said cheyanne looking at zayn and james."chey u are up"said zayn and then james called louis,liam,and harry to see me and i guess the doctor is in here too."cheyanne u were hit by a truck and u were in a coma for a couple of days"said the doctor to cheyanne."chey how are u feeling"said liam looking at cheyanne then the door was open and it was......taylor caniff."cheyanne are u okay and i am so sorry for telling the guys that u were mad at me and i told them that we broke up and they were all confused and then james called us and tell us that u were in coma at the hospital and now i feel bad for u"said taylor all in one word and cheyanne was looking at taylor and taylor was looking back at cheyanne."its okay tay and i know that u still care for me"said cheyanne looking at taylor and the the doctor is in the room."cheyanne glad that u are up from ur coma and james u can take cheyanne to her house she has to rest at her house and not hang out with no one"said doctor looking at james then back at me."got it doc"said james and then we are on our way to my house"so chey what happened in ur bunck bed on the tour bus"said taylor looking at me."shawn and i had sex"said cheyanne and then taylor was texting one of his friends going to pick him up and then taylor went and now we are at my house."hey mom some guy hit me with his truck and now i can't go to school and i can't hang out with friends"said cheyanne sitting on the couch and looing at my mom in her eyes."okay chey i understand and james thanks for taking her home me and chey love u so much"said mom looking at james."love u too and feel better chey"said james looking at cheyanne and huged mom then they left and then zayn decide to stay with us and to keep me some company."thanks zayn for staying here with me and cheyanne i could tell that u like cheyanne a lot"said mom looking at zayn while doing the dishes together."yea i kinda like like cheyanne and i know that she is in love with me just as much as i am"said zayn and he was smiling at me and i smiled back at him.

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