"I...I don't know." she stammered.

"Because some time, in the not too distant future, you'll leave Stefan to be with me." he told her confidently. "It'll be just you and me forever." he smiled.

"Why should I believe what Bonnie said?" Elena asked as Damon inched slightly closer.

"Because she's a witch Elena." Damon replied. "So enough of the questions, aren't you at least a little bit curious to know what it will be like for us?"

"What do you mean?" Elena's voice hitched as she suddenly became hyper aware of their near nakedness.

"When we touch, when we kiss." Damon's voice suddenly became husky and seductive.

"Won't I be cheating on Stefan?" Elena asked innocently.

"Relax, it's just a dream Elena." Damon reassured her once more. "But if Bonnie is right, you're cheating on me with Stefan." he smirked. "You are dreaming about us, so I suspect you must be at least a little bit interested to find out, otherwise the dream is pointless." he said as he ran his hand down the side of Elena's face, causing her to lean into his touch, which she put down to curiosity.

"I guess..." Elena hesitated, before reaching out to touch Damon's face as he held his hand over hers and momentarily closed his eyes before turning his head slightly and kissing her wrist, causing Elena's breath to quicken.

"Calm down Elena." Damon said softly. "I won't bite." he promised. "I'll let you take the lead and I won't do anything you don't want me to do." he promised. "But remember, it is only a dream, nobody else will ever know, but it's your choice Elena." he whispered.

Deciding dream Damon was right and nobody would ever know, Elena hesitated for a second to allow herself to examine his fabulous body, her eyes momentarily drawn to his treasure trail, before placing her hands upon his chest and sliding them up to his neck, pulling him towards her. Damon wrapped his arms around her back, holding her in closer. Standing on her tiptoes, Elena placed a chaste kiss on Damon's lips, before pulling him back and looking at him in the eyes. It was the first time she'd allowed herself to truly look at him, and she had to admit he was probably the most gorgeous man she'd ever laid eyes upon. His icy blue eyes stared back at her with a look of adoration, fanned by dark eyelashes, set against a background of pale white skin with a shock of raven hair. He had a strong jaw and high cheekbones which most women would kill for. His overall look was one of a masculine beauty which oozed sexuality, yet at the same time gave off a strange dangerous, inhuman vibe, which she couldn't quite put her finger on.

Realizing Bonnie's words were indeed what must be triggering the dream and that nobody would know about what she was dreaming, Elena threw caution to the wind and pulled him back into a kiss, this time with more passion, not unlike the way she'd kissed Stefan earlier in the dream. What was different, was how Damon responded. Elena was used to teenage boys, not a man. Stefan's kisses were warm and tender, whereas Damon was all fire and passion. Initially their kiss began exploratory, however their tongues soon began to dance, knowing exactly what each other needed. Electricity began to ignite all over Elena's body like she'd never felt before, yet she felt an odd sense of peace, of finally being home overwhelmed her her, making her feel safe and secure in his arms.

Elena scraped her fingers through Damon's hair as he pulled her in tighter so their jean-clad hips were molded together, his erection pressed up against her, sending heat pooling to her stomach. Desire ran through Elena's body like she'd never felt before, a craving for Damon's body to be closer to her, touching her, inside of her, which was a desire she'd never truly experienced before.

Damon lifted Elena up and she wrapped her legs around his waist as he walked her back over to the bed and lay her down, dropping himself down and hovering above her, whilst they continued to kiss. Their hips ground together, creating more and more friction, causing the heat to pool in Elena's stomach like never before. Elena had been turned on in the past, most recently by kissing Stefan, she also suspected she'd had an orgasm once, although she wasn't entire sure, but she'd never in her short life felt like this. He was making her feel wanted and desired which was far more erotic than any previous experience with either Stefan or Matt.

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