Past and New brother

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Quick info
This is set in the modern day, your normal people. However I used the same characters.

One day, when we was around six, me and Mikasa were at her house playing.

"Honey, your cousin has come over to play" Mikasa's mum said poking her head in the room.

A boy with a frowning face came in, "yay, cousin!" Mikasa said running and giving him a hug.

"F/n this is my cousin, Levi" she said pushing Levi forward.

He waved "Hiya f/n". And I smiled and waved.

After that Levi moved to our school, Me, Mikasa and him all hung out together. Even though Levi was a year above us.

When it was the year he left school he left and we stopped hanging out with him. No matter when I tried to talk to me he ignored me.
I was really sad because I loved him like a big brother...

Present day
I woke up to my alarm. I wipped my eyes, crying again?
When I was leaving school to join a bigger one, my mum passed away. She had cancer and I fell into a deep depression.

I sat on the edge of my bed, sighed and got up.

It was Friday so I got changed into my uniform and packed for school. I went into the kitchen to see my dad making breakfast.

"Hey honey, I've made pancakes for breakfast!" He said cheerfully.

I grabbed a drink of water "no thanks dad, I'm not hungry."

He frowned "but you must eat."

I washed my cup up and put my shoes on "I can't dad sorry, I'll be late."

"F/n" he said stopping me at the door "get home quick tonight okay? I have big news!" He seemed really happy.

It was raining today and walked to school. By the time I got there I was drenched. "Hey f/n!"

I turned to my right and saw Mikasa "Hi, Mika. You okay?"

She nodded and looked at my dripping hair "I'm great, your soaked. you alright?"

I smiled tilting my head "im fine"

"Great, we better get to class the bells about to go."

We got to class and we sat in our seats. I sit near the back by the window and Mikasa sits behind me.

Mikasa's POV
I looked up from my work, at f/n in front of me. Like usual she was staring out of the window.

'Tap' 'tap'

I tapped on her shoulder until she turned around "Hey f/n, you sure your alright?"

She nodded her head and smiled at me.

I'm worried about her it's been a couple of years since her mother died. Ever since she hasn't been the same, she smiles but It's not the same as how she use to.

(Time skip lunch)
Your POV
Me, f/n, Sasha, Eren, Hanji, Christa, Armin, Ymir and more sat at a table.

Like normal they were talking about random things like anime.

"So who's seen the new season yet" Christa said smiling brightly.

"It was amazing!" Eren shouted standing up.

"Do you always have to shout" Annie said with a frown.

Eren sat down crossing his arms.

"I agree, your going to put me of my food" Sasha said stuffing her face.

"Nothing could put you of your food" Eren said pouting.

"Tell your boyfriend to shut up, Mikasa" Conny said with a smirk.

"He's not my boyfriend!" Mikasa's face went bright red same with Eren's. There were alot of giggles, but i was just poking at my food.

"F/n" I looked up to Armin who looked worried "you not going to eat anything."

He's such a sweet kid, "no I'm just not that hungry" I said.

Sasha's face light up, with a spoon in her mouth she said "I'll eat it, if you don't want it!" She said raising her hand shouting.

I slid my tray across to her, our headteacher came over.

"Kids keep it down down" Mr.Pixis shouted.

"Yes sir!" Everyone shouted.

Conny and Eren stood up putting their hand on there heart. Conny however put it on the wrong side, and made everyone laugh. He looked confused and the head walked away shaking his head and slidding his hand down his face.

After school
All that really got me though this day way my friends, and the fact that my dad had important news.

I went home fast, when it was dinner my dad told me...

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