He however got into a dark place for a while but one day he walked into a church in the city and listened to a preacher there. It inspired him so much he now essentially devotes himself to God and he's very conservative. He's even a pastor in the local Maria church. Me on the other hand, I don't have much interest in religion even though I grew up with a bible in my hands. Well if it makes my dad happy I'll deal with going to church every Sunday.

I actually play the piano for the church choir sometimes. They usually use recordings but some pieces are so much better with live music. I use that as an opportunity to get some practice time in. What my dad doesn't know is that sometimes I sneak into the church and play for hours on end at night. Since we don't have a piano at home and the school isn't open 24/7, I kinda have no choice if I want to get better.

I make it to school right on time and feel a bit proud. I see my group of friends at the same spot we always meet. Armin, Mikasa, Jean ugh, Marco, Sasha, and Connie. I love my friends and I'm going to miss them so much when we all go off to college.

Armin is the smartest one, also my best friend is going to a big-league college a couple of states away. Mikasa is also going to a college in another state. Marco is going to start working so he can eventually take over his parent's shop. Sasha and Connie are both going to a community college a couple of hours from here, and Jean is actually going to the army after high school. I'm surprised the horse face is actually doing something with his life other than bug the hell out of me. I want to go to Rose City college, stay local ya know? But I haven't gotten an acceptance letter yet.

Armin smiles at me when he notices me walking up. "Hey, Eren! You're looking tired today" he beams. He's always in a happy mood.

"Nice bags Jeager! Were you up playing that stupid piano like the emotional girl you are HA!" Jean laughed.

"Ha ha, very funny dickhead" I said not in the mood for his mocking today. Ugh, I can't stand him sometimes.

But Jean doesn't stop this time, "I am, aren't I? What did you write a song about your feelings? Is that why you play? Because daddy cares more about God than you?"

"Shut the fuck up Jean!" I pushed him back lightly.

"Hey, sorry about that, truce?" he held out his hand. I raise an eyebrow and reluctantly grab it. Right when I do he pulls me to the ground. My bag falls off my shoulder as I faceplant in the dirt. I should have known. He pulls my arm behind my back, much like the old "say uncle" thing. What are we back in middle school now? But soon enough Jean releases my arm from his grip.

"HA Jean: 1, GAY-toven: 0. Ha! Get it? Beethoven? Gay-toven? Haha!" Jean pulls me up from the ground and I wipe off the dust from my clothes. Everyone looks at Jean with a 'You think you're funny' look, and I laugh a bit.

"Why do you two always have to bicker?" Mikasa says and smacks us over the head causing everyone to laugh. We both are more afraid of her than each other, but neither of us will admit that out loud. Even though we bicker and fight a lot, Jean is still one of my best friends.

The bell rings and we all say our goodbyes and go our separate ways. Armin and I start walking to our class we have together, English. Thank god he's there because I swear I would fall asleep every class it's so boring. While walking Armin has a concerned expression on his face.

"Hey, you okay?" he asks me.

"Y-yeah why wouldn't I be?" I answer his sudden concern with another question.

He looks at me like I was supposed to know what he was talking about. "About what Jean said! Obviously." His voice raises.

"Oh, the gay-toven thing? It wasn't even that funny, trust me he's had better comebacks than that" I say, looking at Armin whose not believing a word I'm saying.

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