Chapter 16

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I sat in the doctor's parking lot, waiting for August to pull up beside me. I haven't seen or spoken to him since the dinner last week. I undid my seatbelt and got out of the car. My appointment was in 10 minutes and I refused to be late. I took a sigh of relief once I saw his car turning in the parking lot. I leaned up agaisnt my car, waiting for him to find a space. He parked right beside me, causing me to roll my eyes a little.

 I folded my arms across my chest and walked over to the driver's door. He opened it and smiled at me. "Hey ma." "Hey." I said dryly. "We need to get inside now, I don't wanna be late." He nodded and hit the locks on his key ring.


 "Ms.Smith?" The nurse called out, looking down at her clipboard. I stood up from my seat and immediately got butterflies. Today was the day that I was going to find out if I was having a little boy or a little girl. I reached back in my seat to grab my purse, but August grabbed it for me. I knew he was just trying to be nice since he knew I was mad at him. I made my way back to the usual exmaination room and took a seat on the table.

 I looked over at August, who was gettin comfortable in his chair. I took a deep breath, trying to calm my nerves. A half of me was nervous and the other half as excited. I wiped my sweaty hands on my jeans and waited for Dr.Frayer to enter the room.

 "Ms.Smith." Dr.Frayer said with a big smile. "Good Afternoon." I leaned up from the wall and smiled. He sat down in his rolling chair and faced me. "Today's the day, are you guys excited??" I looked over at August and nodded. "Yeah, we are." He smiled again and put on his gloves. "Alright well, you know the procedure, let me set up the equipment really quick and we're good to go." I nodded and leaned back on the table, lifing my shirt up in the process.

 I watched Dr.Frayer plug up some cords and type some things into his computer. He rolled over beside me and fixed the monitor were both August and I could see. I took another deep breath as my nerves got worse. I've been waiting for this moment for so long now, I couldn't believe that it was finally here. I closed my eyes while Dr.Frayer squirted to cold clear gel on my stomach. I opened my eyes and peeked over at August who's eyes was already glued to the monitor, even though we haven't started yet.

 Once I felt the scope on my stomach, the butterflies in my stomach intensified times ten. I wanted to know so bad at this point, I couldn't wait any longer. I looked up towards the monitor and bit down on my bottom lip. "There's the baby's face right there." Dr.Frayer said, pointing at a spot on the monitor. I smiled widely. I didn't know why, but I could feel the tears forming in my eyes. I didn't even know the sex yet and I was about to cry.

 I watched Dr.Frayer move the scope around some more, showing us different parts of the baby. He started to move it in one certain spot, making me more anxious by the second. "You see anything yet doc?" August asked, keeping his eyes on the monitor. Dr.Frayer chuckled. "I do actually."

 I leaned up a little further, preparing myself for this moment. "Do you know what Im having?" He smiled and nodded. "Yes I do...your having a baby girl." The hugest smile spread across my face. Even though I had my reservations about having a girl, I couldn't be any happier. "Oh my god." I said lowly. I leaned back on the table and wiped a few tears that had fallen. "Congratulations Ms.Smith." He turned to August and congratuated him as well. He removed his gloves and cut the lights back on. "I'll give you two a minute alone." I nodded and sat up from the table. Once Dr.Frayer was gone, turned to August waiting for him to say something.

 "A girl huh?" He said looking over at me. "....Yeah....I know you probably wanted a boy but-" He shook his head. "It doesn't matter, I just want a healthy child...if it's mine." I nodded. "I can tell your excited though." I chuckled a little. "I am, I just wanna see what's she's going to look like, you know?" He nodded. "Yeah I know." He sat back agaisnt the wall and leaned over away from me. Even though I was still mad at him for the other day, we both got some good news and he didn't seem all to happy about it. "You alright?" He nodded. "Im good."

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