Chapter 35

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Colin's POV

I carry Vera back to the apartment, knocking on the door with my elbow. Leah's face appears as she pulls it wide open, her eyes crinkling at me carrying Vera.

            "She's not feelin well," I say. The apartment is just as I remember it. Small, cozy, and comfortable. On the kitchen table I see a stack of books and papers everywhere. I turn to Leah and Vera smiles at her.

                        "Homework?" Vera asks. Leah smiles and nods her head.

            "Now ya'll get on, makin me sick with how cute ya'll are  being. Comin up in here carrying her like a damn princess, ugh," Leah scoffs. Vera lets out a laugh as I make my way to her room. "I'll check on you in a little bit," Leah calls.

            Laying Vera on the bed, I quickly pull her blanket up over her.

            "You know I feel absolutely fine right?" Vera smiles up at me. I stroke her face.

                        "Throwing up doesn't usually mean a person is feeling fine."

            "I'm fine."

                        "Well I'd feel better if you took a nap."

            "Ok, fine." Vera turns over under her comforter, and falls asleep immediately. I lie back on her floor, and slip into a deep sleep.


            "Colin? Colin!" A voice shakes me awake into the dim lighting of Vera's room. Sitting up I cough violently, covering my mouth with the inside of my elbow. "You're sick!" Vera exclaims, pulling me up to sit on her bed. She holds the back of her hand up to my forehead. "Just as I thought" she shakes her head. "Lie down," she demands, pointing towards her bed. I do as ordered and she leaves the room.

            Vera returns with a small cup of medicine and a large cup of water. "Take this, and drink this. It'll help your fever go down."

            "Vera....I'm fine."

                        "Take the medicine Colin. Now. I'll watch you."

            I sigh, downing the cup like a shot, and take long sips of the cold water. Leah barges into the room, sipping on a can of pepsi, a textbook under her other arm.

            "What's going on in here?" she asks.

                        "Colin is sick."

            "Oh is he now? I thought you were."

                        "I just vomited and was feeling nauseous here and there, but I'm fine." Leah raises an eyebrow and then shrugs. "I think Colin got sick because he was on the floor and the AC is blasting. Why do you have to turn it up so high?" 

            "I'll turn it off. You know how hot it gets in here! Any anyway, it's not like you're pregnant  Vera," Leah says emphatically. Vera shoots Leah a harsh look and Leah blushes red, looking over to me. "What?" she asks. "You didn't tell Colin that you can't have kids?"

                        "Get out, Leah. Get out, now." Leah realizes Vera's pissed expression and backs out of the room, closing the door behind her. Can't have kids. Leah's words reverberate off the walls of my mind, spinning around in my head.

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