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"What happened to you" I asked Bey my face showing no emotion.

"Jay was beating on me so I took Blue and ran" Bey said sobbing.

"I don't believe that" Dinah said giving her a blank face.

"Nah, I know Jay and the nigga got anger problems" Tiana said shaking her head.

"Well, what possessed you to come to my damn house" Dinah asked.

"Isn't This her house" Bey said pointing at me.

"It's both of ours but Dinah is clearly the man of the house" I said grabbing Dinah's hand.

"Look, I'll be out before you know it. Please just let us stay, Blue needs a bed to sleep in" Bey begged.

"No" Dinah said with no emotion. Bey looked at me with pleading eyes causing me to sigh. I pulled Dinah's arm bringing her down to whisper in her ear.

"If you say yes, I'll give you a little treat for being nice" I whispered nibbling on her earlobe making her let out a low moan. She composed herself and stood up straight while glaring at Bey.

"Fine But only cause what the queen says goes" She said. Katrina started to cry so she excused herself to tend to our cranky 1 year old.

"So when's the wedding" Bey asked me rolling her eyes.

"She hasn't proposed yet. Me and you aren't friends so stop trying to pry into my life" I said walking off leaving her there looking stupid.

"OKUUURRR" Tiana yelled laughing making me laugh as well. My sister got a keeper, I love this girl.


A week later

"Got damn you still here" Bianca asked Bey the second she walked in the house making me burst out laughing.

"Why yo ex living in a house with you new Family, that shit ain't awkward" Starburst asked snatching my bag of hot fries and eating them.

"Bitch, dont touch a pregnant bitch food. I know Cookie done taught you some respect" i said snatching my hot fries back and plopping on the couch next to Tiana.

"Pregnant" everybody but Normani and Tiana yelled in shock.

"Oh yea, surprise" I said still stuffing my mouth with chips. Dinah had a big goofy smile on her face that made me giggle.

"We gone have another baby" Dinah yelled dancing around with Bianca. Them two have gotten so close it's ridiculous, you'd swear they were sisters and me and Tiana were sisters.

"Yea" Lanisha yelled dancing with them making us all laugh. She's the most precious thing.

"Mama" Katrina yelled from upstairs.

"Mama" I said smirking at Dinah making her roll her eyes playfully and rush upstairs. Dinah can't catch a break today, all the kids want is her. I guess they're giving me a break because I've been hella tired lately.

"Titi can we go play" Blue asked me pouting.

"That's not yo titi" Bey told blue with an attitude. Ion usually talk about people's parenting but, Bey don't need to kids.

"Don't give the baby attitude she just wants attention, go play with Aiden he'll gladly play with you mama" I said kissing her cheek making her smile wide and run off to go find Aiden.

"Oh she gets special treatment but I don't" Bey scoffed.

"Bitch that's a child" we all yelled rolling our eyes.

"You need to seek mental help" Starburst said laughing.

"Put that bitch in a mental hospital" Normani mumbled making me burst out laughing cause I was the only one that heard her.

"What was said bitch" Bey said standing in front of her.

"Bitch I said they needa put yo ass in a mental hospital, any further questions cause ion kno who you getting buck wit" Normani said hopping up off the couch.

"If y'all gone fight move away from my pregnant girlfriend" Dinah said coming back in the room with Katrina, Blue, and Aiden.

"If my mommy get hurt I'm holding you accountable hoe" Aiden said pointing at Bey, "then I won't hesitate to release Mama on yo vanilla bean head ass."

"Better yet, just get your shit and get out. You got hotel money" Dinah said shrugging her shoulders.

"You always messing something up, I hate you" Blue yelled at Bey with tears streaming down her face. She ran upstairs and Aiden followed to make sure she was okay.

"What have you done to that poor child" I said looking at Bey with disbelief and got up to check on her. Dinah handed Katrina to Bianca and she followed me upstairs. We found Aiden hugging Blue tight while she cried in his chest.

"Aiden leave us, I'll call you back in here soon" I said sitting down next to them. Dinah sat next to me and pulled Blue into her lap.

"I'll be back Blueberry" Aiden said kissing her forehead making her smile and wipe her tears.

"So Blue, tell us what's good" I said.

"My mama isn't even my mama, I was adopted after she killed her first child" Blue said making us look at her with wide eyes.

"She got an abortion" I asked and blue nodded her head.

"Damn what else has happened to you" Dinah asked rubbing Blues back.

"Well Mr. Jay is really nice, he doesn't come around much because Ms. Bey is a bit of a crazy lady. When he comes me and him go on trips and we stay gone for weeks until he has to leave again. When he leaves she treats me really bad, she beats me, and blames everything on me but I don't know what I even did. I heard her talking to some lady and she said that I was just for publicity she doesn't even want me" Blue said crying into Dinah's chest after.

"What the fuck" I yelled.

"Hey baby how about you come and stay with us, we're a little dysfunctional but I promise you'll love us" Dinah said making Blue look at her with a wide smile. I wiped the tears off her cheeks and poked her nose making her scrunch her face up.

"I would love to stay here, I've had so much fun since I've been here" she said smiling goofily.

"How old are you" I asked confused.

"I'm 8, but she tells the media that I'm 4" she said rolling her eyes.

"What the hell, you don't even look or act 4" I said making her giggle.

"I know but they don't really see me too much so they wouldn't know" she said shrugging her shoulders.

"We're gonna go have a little talk with Bey" Dinah said putting Blue down and getting up walking out.

"By the way, I know you like Aiden" I said winking at her making her blush.

"Please don't tell him" she said quickly.

"Your secrets safe with me little mama" I said kissing her head and walking out the room.

Private dancer (Beyonce/you/Dinah)Where stories live. Discover now