Old Mortality

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Have fun. Some may be shorter or longer.

The look of a beast in a human form.
The hunger to devour your blood.
With its voice so charming.
It finds it prey, you.

You can never run.
You can never hide.
It'll track you.
It'll smell your blood.

It has found you, too late.
They drink your blood.
Blood flowing into their mouth.
Blood flowing out of your neck.

The darkness, the beast's home.
You were fooled.
The beast's teeth, oh so sharp.
Blood dripping as you pass out.

The mortal life, drawn out of you.
The hunger, all you can think of.
The mortal life, now passed you by.

In the forest of monsters, it watches.
In the midnight moon, it watches.
The beast, all you can think of.
A hideous beast, in a human form.
A dark monster, in a human form.

Waking up, you see yourself.
As pale as silk.
As bloody as wine.
As hungry, as the beast.

You see the beast, outside the door.
They go up to you, dangerously calm.
They take your hand and you dance.
You drink their blood, it consumes.
The hunger, it consumed you.

A mandrake in your bouquet.
You shiver when it screams.
A wedding dance, full of blood.

A dance in the forest.
A dance under the midnight moon.
Blood dripping down your face.
Just like your old mortality.

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