Chapter Twenty

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Aria smirked. "I will be your death!" Kyurem roared and flew upwards, using Ice Beam on the group below. Shade and Slasher rolled out of the way, and Ivy, Sting, Discharge and Grace barely get out of the way in time. Kyurem flew at Selodormi... or at least where she was before. In her place was a small dragon, it's scales bronze. Kyurem grabbed the dragon, until Shi threw his lance at Kyurem, forcing it to fly upwards and drop the bronze dragon, the creature flying onto the ice. Slasher looks at Shade. "We've gotta get to the bottom of this..." shade nods. "However, first we must subdue Kyurem..." both fly upwards, Slasher's face showing determination while Shade is emotionless as usual. Kyurem attacks Shade, and Aria leaps off of the dragon, bloodlust in her eyes, and she slashes downwards with her axe at Slasher, who crosses his arms together, blades pointed outwards to block her strike. "Ari! What's going on with you, you're not normally like this!" Shade flew, seemingly dancing around Kyurem in the air, dodging its attacks. As Kyurem and Shade continued their battle, Aria's eyes locked with Slasher's as she spoke. "I am not Aria, I am Acip. A clone created by Colress for Ghestis' use." Slasher knew what she meant: a clone, the term for genetically created Pokémon like Mewtwo, and he should. After all, that's what he and Shade were. Slasher smirks. "Well, That explains why you weren't happy to see me." He pushes against her axe with his blades. She sighs. "Actually, I was happy... but you were too loyal to your brother to say yes to my lord's offer. She continues to fight him. There talk was interrupted when Slasher turned to see a few sparks fly in the adjacent room where Ghestis, Colress, and the machine he used to control Kyurem. Said machine must have shorted out! When Slasher looked closer though, he saw Esh in the room... he must've destroyed the machine or something. Soon enough, Kyurem stopped fighting with Shade, and Acip became nervous. Slasher smirked and looked back at her. "Looks like your lord's plan just failed, huh?" He pushes against her axe harder. She gasped and fell back. Kyurem grabs her, having sustained a few injuries, and flew away with her. Shade began to pursue them, intending to kill, but then... remembering something, he stopped. He turned back, landing in front of Slasher. "They could not have guided us to her... the battle is over." Slasher looks at the room, where Ghestis and Colress were. "Not yet..." Shade looked over to see Colress looking guilty, and Ghestis... trapped under a rock. Esh looked at the two, angrily.

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