Chapter Fifteen

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The sun rose on the horizon as the next morning began. Ivy woke up to find that she had been hugging Sting in her sleep. She quickly let go and turned away, hiding her face. Luckily, Sting and Discharge was still asleep. Esh climbed down the tree he was sleeping in; he seemed upset. He walked under some underbrush and Ivy looked at him "oh, hey Esh. Everything alright?" Esh didn't seem to hear her, and disappeared in the underbrush. Ivy tilted her head. What is he up to? She followed him, suspicious. She caught up to Esh and saw him staring at a rift. He was in a defensive stance as two hooded figures emerged from the rift; a female with a gold cloak and and a male with a blue cloak. Ivy watched through the brush. Esh growled loudly at the two figures. "Who are you!?" A smile is seen from under the hood of the golden cloaked figure. "I'm a bronze dragon... Selodormi... this is my friend, who... travels with me. We wish to speak with your... 'party'?" She sounded as if she was unfamiliar with the term. Esh blinked. "Why?" The male figure sighed. "Time is of the essence... no time for questions..." Esh growled. "You make me not want to..." as Esh and the other figure were talking and not paying attention, Selodormi walked towards the camp. Ivy narrowed her eyes and followed her. Selodormi was looking around for anyone awake, but everyone was asleep aside from Esh, Ivy, and Shade, Who were nowhere to be seen. Ivy snuck up behind Selodormi, prepared for anything. Well, anything except her turning around and facing her, which is exactly what happened. "Hello." Ivy, not expecting this, was silent for a few seconds before speaking. "Oh, uhh... hi there!" Selodormi blinked. "Where are you're comrades?" Ivy blinked. "Well, Sting and Discharge are right there." She pointed out their location. "No... I mean the Skarmory." Ivy narrowed her eyes in suspicion. "I haven't seen him yet this morning, why?" Inside of her head, she was getting very suspicious. What does she want him for? Selodormi sighed. "Classified to all mundanes, muggles, normal people... whatever you call them." She mumbled something else, but Ivy couldn't catch it. She huffed, putting her hands on her hips. "Oh, and what's so classified that I can't know about it? And what makes Shade special enough to know about it?" Inside, she knew exactly what made Shade special enough to know. Her employer told her he was no ordinary Skarmory, and stories about him were pretty well known. Selodormi frowned. "You just have to trust me... please..." Ivy sighed. "Fine... just look up." As she said it, a shadow fell over them, and Shade lowered down from the skies.

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