Chapter Five

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     I walk into my house and see my dad on the couch. "I'm home..."
     "Where were you?"
     "The hospital...and at a friends'..."
     "You don't have friends."
     I smile. "I won't soon..." I step up to him. "Punish me already...I'm tired and I want to sleep without having thoughts of you sneaking in and hurting me while I'm asleep."
     He grins...and that's when I'm shoved against the couch and hit in the chest over and over again. He stops after a few minutes. "Get to your room, now!"
     I run upstairs and slam my door, curling up in bed and sobbing.

(That Monday)

     I don't see Jasper today. I remember his promise and sigh, worried. He acts weird when we talk about his home and it hurts to talk about it... I drive home, not understanding what was going on. I pull into my drive way and walk over to his house. I knock on the door- no answer. I try the handle and it opens.
     I look around and make my way upstairs and see a door partially open. I go inside to see Jasper laying on the bathroom floor, wearing a over-sized sweater and his fist closed. I kneel beside him and find his pulse. "Jasper?" I shake him, nothing. I open his hand to see what I wish wasn't there. "Jasper!"
     He stirs, but doesn't wake up.
"Jasper, I need you to wake up!" I yell.
He opens his eyes, looking lost. He finds my eyes. "Hun...ter?" His eyes widen when he sees that I've uncovered what he was holding. "H-H-Hunter I-I-" He tries not to hyperventilate.
     I sit him up and hold him as he gasps for air and cries. "You're don't have to explain quite yet..." I press him to my chest and he winces in pain. "Jazz?" I pull away and put my hand to his chest.
     He tries not to flinch.
     I try to look at his chest, but he scoots away. "Jazz?"
     "Go! Go away!" He starts coughing. "Please!" He starts sobbing again, obviously in pain. "Please..."
     I grab his hand and pull him up. I put an arm around him and take him to my house, hating what I saw in his hand and what I'll see on his chest.

     I lay Jasper on the couch and cover him with a blanket. "Are you okay?" I whisper, not wanting to scare him in any way.
     "When does your mom get home?"
     "In an hour..."
     He nods.
     "Want some coffee or tea?"
     He nods. "Coffee, please..."
     "You got it." I smile and go into the next room to start a pot of coffee. I come back a few minutes later with a cup full of black coffee. "Is this okay?"
     "More than okay...thank you." He sits up and sips from it, spirits lifted a bit.
     I smile at him. "How you feeling?"
     "Hm?" He looks up at me.
     "Why were you holding pills?"
     "I want to talk with an adult present...please..."
     I nod, sighing. "Of course..."
     "Hey, Hunter?"
     I look at him.
     " saved me...again..."
     I smile and sit next to him, seeing him flinch a little. "Hey...I'm not going to hurt you..." I hold my hand out in front of myself, but towards him.
     He shakily takes my hand, smiling. "I know you're wondering what's going on-"
     "It's okay to be scared, Jasper..." I whisper, trying to look him in the eyes, but he avoids my look. "Jasper...please don't be afraid of me..." I start to pull my hand away.
     He grips my hand. "Then don't leave me..." He looks up at me, tears streaming down his face.
     "I can call my mom to come home early if it would make you feel safer then we can talk after we eat or tomorrow, but I don't want you to be out of my sight."
     He smiles through his tears. "I will give you a response to that after we talk..."
     "Promise that you'll wait a to talk."
     I nod. "Promise." I call my mom, telling her to get home sooner than normal. "She'll leave in a few minutes and she'll be here in half an hour."
     He slowly leans on my shoulder. "Thanks-
     "Just hush." I finally say.

     I finish my food and look at the time. It's been two hours since mom got home... I feel my leg shake as I get more worried. 
     Jasper clears his throat as he settles in a more comfortable position. "I am ready to tell you everything that I can about my situation...but you have to promise that you won't do anything with it without considering me and my voice."

Love FoundOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora