12. good enough?

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Anaya's POV.

I woke up to the smell of bacon and singing. I love me some bacon. So you already know I was racing down the steps towards the kitchen.

I walk in to find a women confidently singing and rushing around the kitchen in hurry. She was so occupied she didn't notice me. I take a seat at the island, grabbing a banana from the fruit bowl, making myself at home.

"Uhm hi I'm Naya." I mumble, after taking a bite from my banana. The women glances at me in surprise before flipping a pancake.

"Oh gosh, I'm sorry. I'm the cook, Marylou. I didn't know there was a guest." She smiles happily before rubbing her hands on her apron and making her way towards me.

"So...are you Benjamin or Noahs guest?" She asked curiously.

"No actually I'm-"

"Ohhh Your Vincent's guest! Well aren't you a little youn-"

"Noo I'm Jacobs. Jacobs guest, I came last night." I say in annoyance, like dang this lady can talk.

"Oh wow, now isn't that a surprise. Jacob rarely has people over. Pft matter of fact he rarely sleeps in the house. Always out that boy. But he's a good boy. A sweet boy, raised in unfortunate circumstances. I remember when I was a little girl..." Marylous voice begins to decrease as I walk away. Maybe that's rude, but honestly she wouldn't notice I was gone by the time I get back.

I begin to wander around the house. Other than Marylou, the house was mainly quiet. I creep upstair, and my nosy self starts looking behind doors. I'm about to open this oak colored door when a deep voice startled me.

"You shouldn't snoop around someone else's home." The man's cold voice said. I slowly turned around smiling nervously. He must be Jacobs dad.

"Uh hi I'm-"I start before I'm rudely interrupted.

"I don't care who you are. I'm just wondering why the hell you're in my house. In a tee and one of my sons shorts." He disgustingly looks at me up and down, impatiently waiting for a reply.

"Whose girl are you? and how long is this gonna last. Honestly." He laughs before taking out a cigarette and lighting the end. Well I see where Jacob gets it from.

"Uhm excuse me sir, you can't talk about me like that. Otherwise we're gonna have a problem." I snapped in attitude with my hands on my hips.

He raises his hands in defense before offering me a cigarette. I quickly shake my head in disgust.

"sorry it's a habit. So tell me, who are you with." He peers at me interestedly, huffing and puffing.

"I'm not With anybody. I'm friends with Jacob." I fold my arms to cover myself cause it was honestly awkward standing here in front of Jacobs dad.

He nearly chokes on his cigarette. Like bruh you good.

"Jacob? My Jacob? What do you see in him?" He begins laughing a bit, shaking his head. My body suddenly begins to feel hot, nearly sending me over the edge.

"Uhm he's a good guy. Good to me. Besides we're just friends." Nothing could prepare for what he said next.

"Friends? Come on Jacobs a lost cause and only half a man. A bowl of cement couldn't help the boy." I was completely shookt by the way Mr. Finely spoke of his son. Like he despised him. No wonder Jacob is the way he is.

"Jacob is more of a man than you! And your supposed to support him, NOT tear him down!" I quickly lower my voice realizing who I'm speaking to. I seem to always get myself into trouble.

"Pft. Why? He's just a boy, and only wants to get into your pants." He says calmly smirking. I ball my hands into fists, ready to fight this old man.

Jacob is standing at the top of the steps looking-pissed? I didn't even here him walk in.

He seems calm. Too calm. He walks passed his father and grabs my hand. "Let's go." He pulls me towards his bedroom before saying a few words to his dad.

"Fuck you Lawrence." They both glare at each other and Lawrence makes his way downstairs, not before peering at me and adding.

"Don't forget what I told you."

how can I not

Jacobs sock covered feet paced across the granite floor as he walks back and forth. He was breathing heavily, his hands gliding easily through his hair in frustration. I didn't know what to do so I swiftly grabbed his hands, forcing him to sit on the edge of the tub. I kneeled down in front of him engulfing his hands with mine. Well trying at least, his hands were
twice as big. He had his head down.

"He's a-a fucking asshole." He was hyperventilating so I rubbed his chest soothingly. "It's ok Naya.. if if you agree with him-"

"Stop Jacob, you're one of the the best things, out of anything, since I moved here." I rub the side of his cheeks with my thumb to get him to look at me. "I'm here, ok?"

He lightly smiles and pulls me in for a hug; and maybe it's my imagination, but I'm positive he gave me a peck on the neck. Either way I didn't mention it.

Jacob took me out for breakfast, instead of eating Marylou's food. No disrespect to her, but he needed to get out of the house.

After breakfast he brought me home. We were quiet the whole time there, but it wasn't uncomfortable.

"Ok sooo I'll see you tomorrow." Jacob puts the car in park signaling were in front of my house.

I nod grabbing a piece of paper and pen on the dashboard. I write my number, signing it Naya <3, and quickly head inside to face the wrath of my black mother.

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