Even though there wasn't much of a relationship between him and Ally currently, Jack wanted there to be. Ally had been the first omega that he'd had an interest in apart from Summer.

He liked her.

Summer's smell intensified and Jack moved his hand to block his nose, moving as discreetly as possible so that Eliot didn't catch on to his shuffling and make a snarky remark.

Even breathing through his mouth, he could taste her scent on his tongue, mixed with the deep richness of chocolate and cinnamon.


He was smelling brownies.

His fangs ached and he removed the hand from his nose to place over his stomach.

He could have groaned as he heard her footsteps approach the door, fruitlessly hoping that she wouldn't come in. The red, angry haze was disappearing, being replaced by something sharp and sweet. There was a gentle tugging in his chest, a note of happiness, an involuntary sense of feeling pleased.

She was back. With food.

It almost felt like an apology- an apology that wasn't required on behalf of either of them.

Much to his distress, there was a squeak as the door was pushed open, another physical barrier between them being torn down.

His plan to keep his eyes glued to his computer screen and pretend that he was too distracted with his work to acknowledge her entrance was immediately ruined, his gaze locking with her's as soon as her head popped into view.

She looked at him and smiled, a distracting sight that was almost parallel to what Jack had seen in his dream, and then took a step further into the room. Her eyes dropped down to the plastic container in her hands and she cleared her throat delicately.

The hair on the back of Jack's neck stood to attention.

"I baked brownies," she started. Her eyes flicked between Jack and Eliot before landing back on the container. "I don't know if you two wanted any?"

Eliot jumped out of his seat, "I don't see why not."

He was stood in front of Summer the next moment, barely waiting for her to open the container before digging his hand inside. His mouth was full of brownie before Jack could blink.

Summer beamed at the other alpha before her eyes settled back on Jack. "What about you?"

Jack cleared his own throat and tried to smile at the girl. "Sure."

Before he could stand up, she was shimmying past Eliot and coming to stand in front of him. He gulped as she leaned forward, bending to hold the container near his lap.

Her head titled to the side, curtain of blonde hair sweeping over the shoulder and leaving the expanse of her neck exposed. The smile never left her lips.

Jack's instincts went into overdrive.

His omega was providing for him.

He swallowed down a pleased growl.

As quickly as he could, he reached out and took a brownie before he talked himself into doing something ridiculous. Like purring. Or hauling the petite omega into his lap.

Taking a deep breath, he bit into the brownie and was promptly letting out a moan of assent before he could stop himself, taste buds rejoicing at the explosion of chocolaty flavour.

He'd had many a brownie in his life but none of them had ever compared to this.

Finishing off the treat, he placed his hands back in his lap and pretended that the embarrassing sound hadn't happened by rushing to speak.

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