She gave him a coy smile and put down her fork, finished with the food. "I didn't know if I'd get the opportunity again so I took it." She winked. "It's not often that I get to meet such a gentleman at the gym. I swear, most of the guys there think I'm just a walking pair of boobs."

"Gentleman?" He wiggled his eyebrows and daringly placed a hand on her thigh. "Are you sure about that, m'lady?"

She giggled at his teasing and batted her eyelids in an exaggerated manner. "My, my, my. Maybe I was mistaken."

A face popped up in his mind and he removed his hand from her leg, barely refraining from letting out a curse.

He had been doing so well.

Ally's phone lit up and she looked down at it, the smile fading from her face.

"Oops. Sorry, Jack." She raised up her hand to wave over the waiter. "My shift starts in two hours, I ought to get home and change."

"Hey, it's no problem at all."

The waiter came over and gave them the bill.

Once again, Jack waved off Ally's attempts to pay for the meal.

He walked her outside to flag down a cab, smiling down at her when she reached to hook her arm through his.

"I'd love to do this again sometime." She told him, adjusting her bag over her shoulder. "Preferably when I don't have to run off to work straight after."

Jack wanted to do it again too. He had really enjoyed himself, even if the movie hadn't quite been up to his taste.

Ally was nice, she was beautiful, and she didn't make him second guess his every move.

"Sure. We'll sort something out." He said, turning to hug her when the cab pulled up.

"Great!" She crinkled her eyes up at him, retracting her arms to open the vehicle door. "I'll text you."

He waited until the cab drove away, waving to her through the tinted glass before turning to make his way to the car park.

He found himself humming a tune under his breath, filled with new vigour for the future. It was still early days but he had a good feeling about Ally. He was actually looking forward to seeing her again.

There was a flash of blonde and he froze.


She looked miserable; standing on the side of the pavement and looking down at her phone with a scowl on her face.

He found himself standing in front of her, his shadow casting shade over her form. "Are you alright?"

His chest started burning.

She looked up at him, eyes slightly watery, and Jack knew right then that he would do whatever he asked her to do. No question about it.

"Jack." She sounded relieved, the sides of her lips turning upward as the stress on her forehead melted away. "What are you doing here?"

He took note of the iota of embarrassment that seeped into her expression and started feeling guilty for some reason.

He decided not to answer her question, suddenly slightly sick. "What are you doing here? You looked upset."

"I was about to call for an Uber but my phone died." She sighed, raising the phone in her hand so that he could see the black screen. "I don't have money for a taxi so I was going to walk."

He almost choked on his own spit, thinking about how long it would take her to get home by foot. "Walk?" There was no way he could let his mate trek such a distance home. "I'll drive you."

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